PMD is an extensible multilanguage static code analyzer. It finds common programming flaws like unused variables, empty catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth. It's mainly concerned with Java and Apex, but supports 16 other languages.
Documentation Index | PMD Source Code Analyzer
2025年3月28日 · PMD is an extensible multilanguage static code analyzer. It finds common programming flaws like unused variables, empty catch blocks, unnecessary object creation, and so forth. It’s mainly concerned with Java and Apex, but supports 16 other languages. It comes with 400+ built-in rules. It can be extended with custom rules.
An efficient management method of moving spatial objects
By introducing the concept of TSBB and motion list to the PMD-tree, moving objects can be efficiently managed and quickly found for spatio-temporal queries. By carrying out a series of simulation tests, the storage requirements and search performances are evaluated for several types of moving objects.
An efficient balanced hierarchical data structure for multiversion ...
The persistent MD-tree, called the PMD-tree is developed by extending a hierarchical data structure to support accesses to multiple versions. The PMD-tree has the novel properties that the tree representing any time aspect of a data structure is always balanced, and that the storage utilization rate is more than 66.6%.
Spatio-Temporal Data Management for Moving Objects Using the PMD-Tree
A spatio-temporal data structure, called the PMD-tree (Persistent Multi-Dimensional tree), has been proposed for managing the lice intervals and locatoins of spatial objects. The PMD-tree provides efficient spatial and temporal searches not only for the current...
An Efficient Spatial-Temporal Data Structure for Moving Objects
2002年6月1日 · A spatial-temporal data structure, called the PMD-tree (Persistent Multi-Dimensional tree), has been proposed for managing the live intervals and locations of spatial objects. In the paper,...
A spatio-temporal data structure, called the PMD-tree (Per sistent Multi-Dimensional tree), has been proposed for managing the live intervals and locatoins of spatial objects. The PMD-tree provides efficient spatial and temporal searches not only for the current version of the data set but also the older versions of the data set.
Sonarqube篇-sonarqube接入阿里巴巴代码规范 - CSDN博客
2020年4月28日 · 目录结构及介绍 此项目基于SonarQube的插件架构设计,旨在集成最新的Sonar-PMD以及阿里巴巴P3C编码规则,并提供对JDK17的支持。下面简述主要的目录结构及其功能:...
Class Hierarchy (PMD Core 7.9.0 API)
Class Hierarchy. java.lang. Object net.sourceforge.pmd. AbstractConfiguration. net.sourceforge.pmd.cpd. CPDConfiguration net.sourceforge.pmd. PMDConfiguration; net ...
PMD Fundaments: Up the Tree or Down the Tree? · pmd pmd - GitHub
2024年4月7日 · Often in top-down rules you have no choice but to explore the entire tree (or all method declarations) to find what you're looking for, because there is no more specific node your rule could anchor to.