Flexible all-inorganic Sm-doped PMN-PT film with ultrahigh ...
2022年6月15日 · In this work, an all-inorganic transparent Sm-doped Pb (Mg1/3 Nb 2/3)O 3 -PbTiO 3 (Sm:PMN-PT) film has been successfully grown on Mica substrate via a simple one-step sol-gel process.
Ferroelectricity and Self-Polarization in Ultrathin Relaxor ...
2016年1月28日 · We propose that Schottky interfacial dipoles make the dipoles of the nanometer-sized polar nanoregions (PNRs) in PMN-PT films grown on Nb-SrTiO 3 point downward at high temperatures and lead to...
铌镁酸铅-钛酸铅(PMN-PT)晶体 - 精葳光学
铌镁酸铅-钛酸铅(PMN-PT)晶体是一种弛豫型铁电固溶体单晶,具有钙钛矿结构(ABO3)。 其化学通式为(1-x)Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3,其中x代表钛酸铅(PbTiO3)在固溶体中的摩尔分数。 这种晶体通常被看作铌镁酸铅 [Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3]和钛酸铅的固溶体。 优点: 高压电性能、大机电耦合系数、高介电常数、低损耗、优异的非线性光学性能、良好的热释电性能、广泛的应用领域. 应用领域: 超声换能器、传感器、压电马达、非线性光学器件、光电探测器件. 简 …
Heteroepitaxial growth of PMN-PT thin films on SrTiO3 buffered …
2025年3月1日 · Local piezoresponse force microscopy hysteresis loops confirm the ferroelectric nature of the PMN-PT thin films on GaAs. The results have demonstrated the practicality of integrating epitaxial PMN-PT films on semiconductor GaAs, which may pave the way to develop III-V semiconductor based opto-mechanical devices. Previous Next Epitaxial growth ...
Realization of 1 μm thick, crack-free and smooth PMN-PT film in …
2020年12月1日 · Synthesis of PMN-PT relaxor thick films invites special attention, as the electromechanical response exhibited by the polycrystalline PMN-PT film greatly depends on the thickness of the film. PMN-PT films with a thickness of approximately one micron are required for optical applications as well [6].
Flexible Composites with Rare-Earth Element Doped Polycrystalline ...
2024年10月22日 · Herein, we successfully demonstrated a flexible piezoelectric nanogenerator (PENG) designed by the co-doped rare-earth element ceramics (RE-PMN-PT) embedded in PVDF and PDMS composite film and attained a significant output performance while avoiding electrical poling process.
Polarization in pseudocubic epitaxial relaxed PMN-PT thin films
2022年1月24日 · In this work, we used a combination of diffraction and spectroscopic techniques to elucidate the structural information at different length scales of epitaxial relaxed PMN- x PT thin films with compositions around the bulk MPB, namely, PMN-25PT, PMN-33PT, and PMN-40PT.
Enhanced Ferroelectric, Dielectric Properties of Fe-Doped PMN-PT …
2021年10月14日 · The optimal ferroelectric properties of 2% Fe-doped PMN-PT thin film annealed at 650 °C were identified with slim polarization-applied field loops, high saturation polarization (Ps = 78.8 µC/cm2), remanent polarization (Pr = 23.1 µC/cm2) and low coercive voltage (Ec = 100 kV/cm).
具有超高压电系数的柔性全无机 Sm 掺杂 PMN-PT 薄膜,用于机械 …
In this work, an all-inorganic transparent Sm-doped Pb (Mg (Sm:PMN-PT) film has been successfully grown on Mica substrate via a simple one-step sol-gel process. The flexible film shows an ultrahigh piezoelectric coefficient of 380 pm V −1 owing to the enhanced local structural heterogeneity and the weak substrate clamping effect.
Growth and electrical properties of epitaxial 0.7Pb (Mg
2018年1月27日 · Results indicated that high-quality epitaxial relaxor ferroelectric PMN-0.3PT thin film was obtained with excellent ferroelectric, piezoelectric response and low leakage current density. The underlying mechanism responsible for the …