铌镁酸铅-钛酸铅(PMN-PT)晶体 - 精葳光学
铌镁酸铅-钛酸铅(PMN-PT)晶体是一种弛豫型铁电固溶体单晶,具有钙钛矿结构(ABO3)。 其化学通式为(1-x)Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3,其中x代表钛酸铅(PbTiO3)在固溶体中的摩尔分数。 这种晶体通常被看作铌镁酸铅 [Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3]和钛酸铅的固溶体。 优点: 高压电性能、大机电耦合系数、高介电常数、低损耗、优异的非线性光学性能、良好的热释电性能、广泛的应用领域. 应用领域: 超声换能器、传感器、压电马达、非线性光学器件、光电探测器件. 简 …
Properties of PMN-PT single crystal piezoelectric material and …
2021年4月1日 · In this paper, the piezoelectric properties (d33) and impedance characteristics of PMN-PT single crystal piezoelectric material and PZT-4 piezoelectric ceramic material under different pressures are studied, which lays a solid foundation for the design, prestressed loading and fabrication of the underwater acoustic transducer.
Transparent ferroelectric crystals with ultrahigh piezoelectricity
2020年1月15日 · In this work, we show that a.c. electric fields can be used to effectively eliminate light-scattering 71° domain walls for [001]-oriented rhombohedral PMN-PT crystals to achieve both near-perfect...
JFE MINERAL has developed high quality Pb(Mg 1/3Nb 2/3)O 3-PbTiO 3 (PMN-PT) and Pb(In1/2Nb1/2)O3-Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PIN-PMN-PT) piezoelectric single crystals for medical ultrasound transducers and sonars.
What is Single Crystal Piezo or PMN-PT?
In this post, learn about what makes single crystal piezo, or PMN-PT, different and get application guidance for where it may be a better choice.
光电晶体PMNT/PIMNT - CasCrysT
PMNT和PIMNT是高性能光电材料,具有压电性能:d33>2000pc/N,k33>92%。 用途: 压电材料是超声换能器的能量转换元件,广泛应用于工业、农业、交通、生活、医疗、军事等诸多领域。 技术特点: PMNT和PIMNT具有优良的性能,可以大大提高换能器的灵敏度和带宽,提高超声成像质量。 性能指标: 提高了开发产品的相变温度和矫顽力场,扩大了弛豫铁电晶体的温度应用范围,使器件能够在强场中使用; 机电耦合系数k33至0.94;场致应变s>1.7%; d3.
铌镁钛酸铅(PMNT/PMN-PT)单晶压电性能优异 在超声探头领域 …
PMN-PT是高性能光电材料,具有压电性能:d33>2000pc/N,k33>92%。 用途: 压电材料是超声换能器的能量转换元件,广泛应用于工业、农业、交通、生活、医疗、军事等诸多领域。
PMN-PT and PIN-PMN-PT Crystal-PMN-PT Products, Single …
Innovia manufactures 3 inch (71 mm) diameter PMN-PT crystal ingots and post-process crystal products. Known as the 1st generation piezo-crystals, PMN-PT crystal products are available in different shapes (plates, rings, wedges or boules), which can be provided as-sliced, as tested, as electroded, or as a turn-key project. Our engineering ...
PMN-PT及PIN-PMN-PT晶体-PMN-PT Products, Single Crystal, …