554 C Pantone Color to Hex, RGB, HSL, CMYK, XYZ, Yxy, Binary, …
Here, you can get the information of Hex, RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK, XYZ, Yxy, CMY, Decimal, Decimal RGB, Binary, Hunter Lab, CIE Lab, CIE Luv color conversion values. Also, you can find Shades & Tints, Complementary, Monochromatic, Split Complementary, Triadic, Tetradic, Analogous, CMYK & RGB Percentage and HTML CSS examples of selected color code.
PANTONE 554 C - 千通彩色库
问 pantone 554 c色号的rgb,hex,cmyk数值分别是多少? 答 pantone 554 c色号的rgb色值为(32,92,64), hex(十六进制色值)为 #205c40, cmyk 为(84,22,77,60) ,请注意,这些数值是由计算机模拟的颜色,实际生产中请参阅最新出版的实物色卡确认!
Pantone 554 C Color | #205C40 - iColorpalette
Verdant Green, also known as Pantone 554 C, is a color that embodies lusciousness and freshness. Its deep green hue with hints of blue evokes a sense of nature and tranquility. Historical Significance: Verdant Green has been prominently used throughout history in various cultural and artistic contexts.
PANTONE® USA | PANTONE® 554 C - Find a Pantone Color
Unlock over 15,000 Pantone colors with digital data and communicate your vision to everyone in your workflow. Powered by Pantone Connect. *Before using, understand that the colors shown on this site are computer simulations of the PANTONE Colors and may not match PANTONE-identified color standards.
Pantone / PMS 554 C / #205c40 Hex Color Code - Encycolorpedia
Pantone / PMS 554 C / #205c40 Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #205c40 is a dark shade of green-cyan. In the RGB color model #205c40 is composed of 12.55% red, 36.08% green and 25.1% blue. In the HSL color space #205c40 has a hue of 152° (degrees), 48% saturation and 24% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 519.64 nm.
PANTONE 554 C Pantone PMS Color - colorxs.com
What color is PANTONE 554 C? The hexadecimal color code (color number) for PANTONE 554 C is #205C40, and the RGB color code is RGB (32, 92, 64). In the RGB color model, PANTONE 554 C has a red value of 32, a green value of 92, and a blue value of 64.
Pantone™ PMS 554 C - MyPerfectColor
Pantone PMS 554 C precisely matched in spray paint, brush in cap bottles, paint pens, house paint, and other sizes for touch up or painting applications.
PANTONE 554C - 色卡色号对照表 - NBchao.Com
PANTONE 554C色号属于潘通 (PANTONE)色卡C版,您可在色号查询工具中找到PANTONE 554C色号的颜色和色卡,包括PANTONE 554C对应的RGB值供用户参考。
Pantone / PMS 554 CP / #29664a Hex Color Code - Encycolorpedia
Pantone / PMS 554 CP / #29664a Hex Color Code. The hexadecimal color code #29664a is a medium dark shade of green-cyan. In the RGB color model #29664a is composed of 16.08% red, 40.0% green and 29.02% blue. In the HSL color space #29664a has a hue of 152° (degrees), 43% saturation and 28% lightness.
PMS 554 C - pmscolorguide.com
This page shows PMS color 554 C. This PMS color is in the 5 series category, part of the Coated color system. On this website you can create your own PMS color collections with an account.
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