PNA-X: INITiate1*OPC? very slow compared to pushing the
I am trying to read a trace from a PNA-X as quickly as possible with the following: I turn off continuous sweep with: INITiate1:CONTinuous OFF; To trigger a sweep I am using: …
few questions about PNA-x with option 029 - Keysight
3.I can't find the help file in PNA-X. Could you have me the path which saves the help file or send me the file directly, my e-mail address is below. [email protected] . Thank you for your …
Enhanced Response Calibration in PNA-X. - Keysight
At a reasonable IFBW (like 1 KHz), the noise floor of the PNA-X is around -100 dBm. This means that if you calibrate at the default power level of -5 dBm and you take into account your 65 dB …
PNA-X Pulse Sync In Trigger - Keysight
Thank you Dr.Joel, the command you posted works fine but before sending this command we had to set the *Pulse Sync Trigger (Level/Edge)* property to the desired setting, even though the …
PNA-X. Pulsed Voltage Measurement (for PAE). Analogue Input
When measuring an RF Pulse of 46us, we have seen actually that results of the AI were changing if the IFBW was set to 600KHz (correct results) compared to 150KHz (wrong results). We tried …
PNA-X - we need more realistic approach for calculation ... - Keysight
PNA-X has a function in IMD class to calculate composite CATV products like. Composite Triple Beat (CTB) Composite Second-Order (CSO) Cross-Modulation Distortion (XMOD) I see an …
PNA-X: SCPI command to activate Monitor GPIB Bus - Keysight
Hello PNA Users, I have trawled through the help file, but cannot seem to find what I am after. Is there any way to programmatically set the following via SCPI: Monitor GPIB Bus . Show GPIB …
PNA-X 67GHz Noise Figure Opt 29 vs Opt 28 - Keysight
2014年7月23日 · When calibrating an overlapping region case (i.e. testing from 45 to 55GHz), the PNA-X calibration wizard will utilize the noise receiver calibration portion from 45 to 50GHz …
PNA-X N5242AS Receiver Compression Test failure
Test results looks strange for me - measured parameter changes very rapidly after 20 GHz in one step. Could it be synchronization problem between PNA-X and calibration equipment or …
Problem measuring Gain Compression on PNA-X - Keysight
Looks odd to me. You might look at linear gain (just "S21") as well. You can also turn on compression analysis under the "analysis/compression analysis" key for each trace at any …