About – Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium - PNOC
About PNOC. Our Core Values are driven by the need to quickly address the significant unmet need of children and young adults with CNS tumors with a set of guiding principles.
Participating Sites – Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium - PNOC
PNOC is proud of the exceptional commitment and work of our sites across the United States, the Australian & New Zealand Children’s Haematology/Oncology Group, Canada, Egypt, Europe, India, Israel, and South America.
Clinical Trial - PNOC
PRIMARY OBJECTIVES. Strata A & B: To determine the safety and recommended phase 2 dose of modified measles virus if administered into the tumor bed of patients with locally recurrent medulloblastoma or ATRT or into the subarachnoid space of patients with disseminated medulloblastoma or ATRT.
PNOC013: A Safety and Pharmacokinetic Study of Single Agent …
INCLUSION CRITERIA. Key Inclusion Criteria: Age 0 to <18 years of age (Phase 1) Age ≥3 and ≤25 years of age (Efficacy Phase) Karnofsky ≥50 for patients >16 years of age and Lansky ≥50 for patients ≤ 16 years of age
Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium
In 2019, PNOC established disease specific “working groups” with the main intent to bring clinicians, scientists, philanthropy, and families together to enhance clinical trial development and cultivate the most comprehensive correlative studies for each PNOC trial.
Clinical Trial - PNOC
To measure the relative changes in cell cycle-related genetic signature of the tumor microenvironment post administration of neoadjuvant nivolumab in children and young adults with recurrent or progressive HGG when compared to a cohort of archived non-treated recurrent pediatric HGG samples.
Clinical Trial - PNOC
Children (3-17 years of age) To assess the safety and tolerability of magrolimab in children (Stratum A) with recurrent or progressive malignant brain tumors.; To determine the recommended Phase 2 dose (RP2D) for magrolimab in children (Stratum A) with recurrent or progressive malignant brain tumors.; Adults (18 years and older)
Clinical Trial - PNOC
The RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway is implicated in a number of adult cancers and NF1-associated tumors. Similarly, the majority of pediatric LGGs possess abnormal signaling through the RAS/RAF/MEK/ERK pathway as do a variety of other CNS tumor types including high grade glioma, pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma and ganglioma.
Clinical Trial - PNOC
PRIMARY OBJECTIVES. To determine the progression free survival at 12 months of children and young adults with newly diagnosed High Grade Glioma who underwent maximal safe surgical resection followed by focal radiation therapy who are being treated according to a specialized tumor board recommendation that is based on WES, targeted panel (UCSF500 gene panel), …
PNOC012: Study of Tozuleristide and the Canvas Imaging System …
Please note, this study has closed to accrual and is no longer accepting patients. Subjects randomized to Arm 1 (~9% of subjects) will not receive tozuleristide but will undergo standard of care neurosurgery and will have imaging performed with the Canvas System.