Po-2M | War Thunder Wiki
The Po-2M (or Po-2P) was a proposed Soviet biplane intended to be used as a floatplane version of the Po-2. It was developed in the 1940s and was successfully tested at the Khimki water reservoir near Moscow. Due to the requirement to mount a bomb load beneath the lower wings, it was created using a single-float scheme.
Polikarpov Po-2 - Wikipedia
The Polikarpov Po-2 (also U-2 before 1944, for its initial uchebnyy, 'training', role as a flight instruction aircraft) was an all-weather multirole Soviet biplane, nicknamed Kukuruznik (Russian: Кукурузник, [3][N 1] NATO reporting name " Mule ").
Po-2M on a three-float chassis - AirPages
Po-2M, (Po-2P - float) . Released in 1944. It was an improved version of the U-2 with the M-11F engine, mounted on a three-float (one main and two underwing) chassis designed by NN Polikarpov. The main float, designed in accordance with the recommendations of TsAGI, had a displacement of 2310 liters and dimensions of 6.4 × 1.0 × 0.65 m.
[Event] Project “Overpowered” - News - War Thunder
2022年9月21日 · Collect special modifications of the Po-2 and exchange them for unique vehicles! The event has been prolonged until October 6th. Now three additional tasks to receive Materials and Pieces of Tape are available for you, as well as the ability to earn Aircraft Technician Toolkits and additional Pieces of Tape for three more days!
【情報】“強到靠北”計劃:波-2M @戰爭雷霆(War Thunder) 哈 …
2022年9月20日 · 波-2 可謂是War Thunder 遊戲中最為傳奇的戰機之一。 由於該機的飛行極速僅有130 公里/時出頭,加上缺乏前射武器,這架飛機在菜鳥飛行員手中的表現堪稱悲劇,開發團隊也因此將這架看似無用的飛機從科技樹中移除了。 但在後來的各類活動中,許多極富經驗的玩家們卻拼盡全力想要將這架看似無用的戰機納入自己的載具收藏當中,這是怎麼回事呢? 首先,這架雙翼機是霸凌高級陸戰載具的最佳選擇:沒有比出其不意將50 公斤航彈精準投擲到現代坦克的艙蓋 …
[Development] Project “Overpowered”: Po-2M - War Thunder
2022年9月20日 · In the autumn crafting event Project "Overpowered" we present a new modification of the aircraft - the hydroplane Po-2M, a premium light bomber from the USSR tech tree, rank I. So, a few words about what is good and what is bad with a new iteration of Po-2.
“太强了必须砍”计划:波-2M - 战争雷霆中文Wiki
该机采用了单浮筒设计,配备 2 个辅助浮筒来为翼下炸弹挂架留出空间,新型水上轰炸机最终被定型为波-2m(或称波-2p)。波-2m 的螺旋桨配备有整流罩,原先暴露在外的舵面控制钢缆被收纳至机身结构中,同时为升降舵增设了扰流板。
Po-2 | War Thunder Wiki
The Po-2 is a gift Soviet bomber. It has been in the game since the start of the Open Beta Test prior to Update 1.27. One of the more infamous planes in War Thunder, the Po-2 has a rather affectionate palindrome nickname of "2-OP" from the community for its history in the game.
Po-2M : r/Warthunder - Reddit
2022年9月20日 · The normal Po-2 however was used to good effect during the whole war, the "stealth" night bombing raids conducted by the Night Witches were very effective at inflicting fear and depriving the enemy of sleep. The low flying speed and altitude of the aircraft made it difficult for German fighters to intercept it.
[Development] Project “Overpowered”: Po-2M : r/Warthunder
Depending on agility (which, PO-2 has none, but let's pretend) it'd be great at top tier to compete with the scout planes. On the other hand, the Po-2M is ridiculously good! The snail-slow airplane has amazing maneuverability. Are you implying Gaijin …