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小厂的优质活塞AR—POF-USA P415/416 - 哔哩哔哩
P416系列步枪在早期有三种不同的型号:全自动的P416,半自动的P415和打.308Win(即民用的7.62x51mm NATO弹)的P308。 而除了使用铝合金护木的版本之外,P415/416还有使用普通AR护木的版本。
→AR-15/M16专辑首页 - 枪炮世界
P.O.F 全名为“爱国者兵工厂有限公司”(PATRIOT ORDNANCE FACTORY, INC),该公司生产和销售的 P-415(半自动型)和P-416 (全自动型)5.56mm步枪是把AR式步枪的直接导气式原理改为导气活塞式原理,后来又在此基础上推出7.62NATO口径的 P-308 步枪。 POF的导气活塞装置被命名为 C.R.O.S.,这是“抗腐蚀操作系统”(Corrosion Resistant Operating System)的缩写,该系统的原型最早在2003年亚利桑那州Fairgrounds举办的SAR Show上展出,3年后的拉斯维加 …
THE POF P-416 WEAPONS SYSTEM - Small Arms Review
2006年9月1日 · The POF P-416 with C.R.O.S. (Corrosion Resistant Operating System) is an op-rod and gas piston driven M16 weapons system enhancement. It has completely eliminated the traditional gas tube and the unpopular issues associated with it.
To minimize weigh, the new P-416 Edge Rifle features a redesigned hand guard, reducing size by nearly 20%. These improvements drop the weight down to 7 lbs. Our new slimline Edge handguard with multiple QD points and patented oversized heat sink barrel nut for more effective heat dissipation.
Patriot Ordnance Factory rifle series - Internet Movie Firearms ...
The P416 is a select fire assault rifle/carbine based on the AR-15 platform manufactured by Patriot Ordnance Factory, a US firearms manufacturer based in Phoenix, Arizona. Like the HK416 and LWRC SRT rifle series, it uses a short stroke gas piston as opposed to direct impingement.
2008年3月5日 · Over1,000 rounds of Wolf .223 62-grain FMJ were fired through the P-416 in continuous, 100-round bursts. Phase II would be another type of endurance test where large amounts of ammo would be fired, in very long, continuous and uninterrupted bursts, possibly bringing the test rifles to the point of catastrophic failure.
the gas piston. The P308 and P415/P416 recoil is reduced, allowing for smoother and more accurate operation. The P416 system operates at a slower cycle rate of fire in full-auto which makes the weapon more reliable, controllable and accurate. POF-USA has engineered, manufactured and tested this system. We are
POF P416 EDGE .223 REM / 5.56x45mm NATO 14.5" - Talos Defense
The POF P416 is build on the Patriot Ordnance Factory GEN 4 Lower, a fully ambidextrous, Billet 7075 black anodized aluminium, Receiver which boasts loads of enhancements: 1) Ambidextrous Bolt Release with Enhanced Bolt Catch. 2) Ambidextrous Safety Selector. 3) Receiver Tension Screws. 4) Oversized Mag Well Flare. 5) Ambidextrous Recessed ...
《幽灵行动:荒野》武器介绍—P416 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
POF的P416外观与HK公司 HK416 突击步枪接近,但是有其自己的导气系统专利,两者还是有区别的。 该枪采用了 短行程导气活塞 的自动方式,可靠性比一般的 AR 类武器提高了不少,原因是其采用短行程活塞取代了M16的导气管,避免了导气装置被污垢堵塞的风险,相比于气吹的方式也提高了零件的使用寿命。 同时,区别于 AK 系列的长行程活塞,P416的活塞不随枪机一同运动,大大减弱了自动机移动时引发的武器质心改变,保证了极高的射击精度。 所以P416通过导气系 …