CL2-502Y | ABB
The CL2-502Y Pilot Light is: Compact - Pilot Light - Pilot light head - Yellow - Illuminated - 24 V This Pilot Light is part of ABB's compact range, the most efficient all-in-one solution available, reducing installation time and cost.
Detailed information for: CL2-502Y - ABB Group
The CL2-502Y Pilot Light is: Pilot Light - Pilot light head - Yellow - Illuminated - 24 V This Pilot Light is part of ABB's compact range, the most efficient all-in-one solution available, reducing installation time and cost.
CL2-502Y | SmartLinks | ABB
The CL2-502Y Pilot Light is: Compact - Pilot Light - Pilot light head - Yellow - Illuminated - 24 V This Pilot Light is part of ABB's compact range, the most efficient all-in-one solution available, reducing installation time and cost. The compact range has …
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CL2系列 全 - ABB
传承优秀,突破创新。全新一代指示灯CL2系列不但性能可靠、外形美观,结构紧凑,使用寿命长,还具有更优异的抗干扰性能,以及更高IP防护等级,适�. 心 ABB中国客户服务中心 有变更恕不另行通知, ABB (中国)有 .
ABB CL2系列 LED指示灯 CL2-502Y 10157192 W54100【价格 图片
易买工品官网24小时在线销售CL2系列 LED指示灯,您可以看到ABB CL2-502Y 10157192的最新价格,报价,图片等供应信息。 型号齐全,正品现货,全场满500免运费,支持货到付款,提供正规增值税发票!
CL2-502Y -PDF数据手册-参考资料-立创商城
立创商城提供 ABB 的 指示灯 CL2-502Y 的PDF数据手册和参考资料,查看 CL2-502Y 数据手册和购买 CL2-502Y 上立创商城。
This Pilot Light is part of ABB's compact range, the most efficient all-in-one solution Illuminated - 24 V The CL2-502Y Pilot Light is: Compact - Pilot Light - Pilot light head - Yellow - CL2-502Y …
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CL2-502Y - Kele
General Information — Compact Pilot Light Yellow LED 24V AC/DC CL2-502Y Pilot Devices - Compact Range Pilot Devices Control Products ys 5. Small Equipment (No External Dimension More Than 50 cm)
High impact strength, good outdoor resis-tance. Chemical resistance (see table below) Can withstand high temperatures, acids, basic solutions, alkaline compounds, oils, alcohols Can withstand high temperatures, aliphatic, aromatic and chlorinated hydro carbons, esters, ketone-aldehydes, alcohols and basic solutions Can withstand high temperature, aliphatic and aromatic 3 hydrocarbons, acids ...
ABB CL2-502Y - RS Components
ABB CL2-502Y Indicator Pilot Light Compact Integrated LED 24 VAC/VDC Yellow Mfr. Part #: CL2-502Y / RS Stock #: 71073209