Pennsylvania Railroad 4800 - Wikipedia
It is the prototype GG1 and was originally numbered 4899. Built by General Electric in 1934, the locomotive competed against a prototype, the R1, built by rival company Westinghouse. 4800 was kept in service by the Pennsylvania Railroad and its …
Pictures of PRR 4899 - rrpicturearchives.net
Shown here is Pennsylvania Railroad engine #4899, a GG-1 (2-C-C-2) electric built in Juniata during May of 1940, rated at 4,620 horsepower, and retired in January of 1973 after 33 years of faithful service.
拱心石上的明珠——宾夕法尼亚铁路GG1型电力机车“Big G”简说
GE、西屋和鲍德温机车厂三厂联合,根据PRR的要求,于1934年设计出来一台划时代的原型车——4899号。 牵引上,4899号使用了12台GEA-627-A1型交流有刷串励电动机 (万用电动机),一台功率287kW,两台电机驱动一个中空轴, 由于PRR使用了高压 低频 交流电作为电气化的标准,低频交流电可以很好地适应万用电动机, 故不需要经过整流,直接降压后就可输入到电机端; 走行上,4899号使用了NYNH&HRR EP-3类似的4-6-0铰0-6-4型转向架,转向架和车体间由心盘和 …
Pennsylvania Railroad class R1 - Wikipedia
It was numbered 4800 originally, swapped numbers with the victorious GG1 prototype to #4899, but was moved in May 1940 to #4999 to make room for the expanding GG1 fleet. [3] For many years, the R1's regular duties involved hauling the westbound Broadway Limited and returning eastward with a mail and express train.
【科普】与GG1型电力机车形似的美国宾夕法尼亚铁路DD2-5800号 …
经过对比测试,1933年,PRR决定开发新型电力机车替换P5a型电力机车,并向GE和WE下达了设计要求: 轴重比P5a型机车轻,但功率要超过P5a型机车; 最高运行速度大于160 km/h; 流线型车体,并具备中央司机室。 1934年8月,两家公司都向PRR交付了他们的原型电力机车。
The Pennsylvania Railroad GG1: PRR Electrification and the …
The PRR was impressed enough to order a prototype locomotive built using the EP3a wheel arrangement. This locomotive was designated as Class GG1 and it had a streamlined center cab similar to the last P-5a built and it carried number 4899. Another prototype was also ordered.
Pictures of PRR 4999
Depicted in the bottom photo is PRR engine #4800, a GG-1 (2-C-C-2) built by General Electric as number "4899" in August of 1934, rated at 4,620 horsepower, renumbered "4800" in November of 1934, and now on display at the Railroad Museum of Pennsylvania. This is "Old Rivets."
PRR 4899, GG-1, c. 1965 - rrpicturearchives.net
Shown here is Pennsylvania Railroad engine #4899, a GG-1 (2-C-C-2) electric built in Juniata during May of 1940, rated at 4,620 horsepower, and retired in January of 1973 after 33 years of faithful service.
The Pennsylvania Railroad GG1: The R-1 - Steam Locomotive
The GG-1, built in GE's Erie, PA plant was assigned road number 4899. Both locomotives were delivered in August of 1934 and were subjected to an extensive series of tests. They underwent ten weeks of tests at the PRR test track near Claymont, DE and in regular passenger service between New York and Philadelphia.
GG1 Paint Schemes
1934 PRR: Dark Green, block pinstriping, small number keystone. 1934: 4899/4800 only. (unit changed numbers in this scheme) Developed by the PRR, this scheme predates the Loewy design. A similar design was used on the R1 experimental. Late Prototype Scheme