C4结合蛋白 - 百度百科
C4bp基因定位于人的第1号染色体长臂32区,同CR1、CR2、H因子、MCP及DAF等的基因相连锁,并均含有数目不同的SCR。 C4结合蛋白是一种含量丰富的可溶性血清糖蛋白。
Purification and Functional Characterization of C4b-Binding Protein (C4BP)
2013年10月22日 · Here, we describe a method for purification of C4BP from human plasma, which is based on barium chloride precipitation, anion exchange chromatography, and gel filtration. We also describe a functional assay, in which C4BP’s cofactor activity to factor I, in the degradation of C4b, can be assessed.
C4BPB/C4BPA - American Society of Hematology
2010年6月10日 · Through its binding with protein S (PS), a key element of the coagulation/fibrinolysis cascade, the C4b-binding protein (C4BP) has been hypothesized to be involved in the susceptibility to venous thrombosis (VT).
C4结合蛋白(C4BP)|ELISA指标 - 百家号
2024年9月18日 · C4b 结合蛋白(C4BP)是一种参与补体系统的蛋白质复合物,它在补体系统中起着抑制作用。 C4BP 有一个章鱼状的结构,有一个中心柄和七个分支的α-链。 血液中 C4BP 的主要形式是由 7 条相同的α-链和一个独特的β-链组成,而β-链又与抗凝血剂、依赖维生素 K 的蛋白 S 结合。 C4BP 是一种大的糖蛋白(500 kDa),估计血浆浓度为 200 微克/毫升,主要在肝脏合成。 基本信息. 发布时间:C4BP的分子结构和功能于1977年由Ferreira等首次报道,其分子结构 …
C4BPB/C4BPA is a new susceptibility locus for venous thrombosis …
Through its binding with protein S (PS), a key element of the coagulation/fibrinolysis cascade, the C4b-binding protein (C4BP) has been hypothesized to be involved in the susceptibility to venous thrombosis (VT).
The Hidden Side of Complement Regulator C4BP: Dissection and …
Although all circulating C4BP(β+) molecules are bound to PS abolishing its anticoagulant function, in this report we reveal that the C4BP β-chain, unaided by PS, is responsible for the lack of immunomodulatory activity of C4BP(β+).
The C4b-binding protein-protein S complex inhibits the ... - PubMed
2004年6月4日 · The major form of C4BP present in blood is composed of seven alpha-chains and one beta-chain, which binds protein S (PS). Approximately 70% of all PS in human plasma is trapped in such a complex and is able to localize C4BP to the surface of apoptotic cells due to the high affinity to phosphatidylserine.
Apoptosis Coagulation, inflammation, and apoptosis: different roles …
2004年2月15日 · In human plasma, PS circulates approximately 40% as free PS (FPS) and 60% in complex with C4b-binding protein (C4BP). Formation of this complex results in loss of PS cofactor function, and C4BP can then modulate the anticoagulant activity of APC.
Complement Component C4b Binding Protein - ScienceDirect
C4b-binding protein (C4BP), an important cofactor of the enzymatic degradation of C4b, can form a complex with Protein S (PS). PS functions as a cofactor during the degradation of coagulation factors Va and VIIIa by activated protein C (APC), and has a high binding affinity for the negatively charged phospholipids of cell membranes.
C4b 结合蛋白在健康和疾病中的多种功能,The Journal of …
摘要 C4b 结合蛋白 (C4BP) 是一种液相补体抑制剂,可防止经典补体途径和凝集素补体途径不受控制地激活。 作为一种补体抑制剂,C4BP 还促进凋亡细胞死亡,并被微生物和肿瘤劫持以逃避补体。 虽然最初的特点是其在补体抑制中的作用,但人们逐渐认识到 C4BP 以不依赖补体的方式发挥作用,以促进细胞存活,防止自身免疫损伤,并调节微生物病原体的毒力。 在本简要综述中,我们总结了人 C4BP 的结构和功能,特别关注超越 C4BP 在补体抑制中典型作用的活动。 摘要 …
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