PS/2 port - Wikipedia
The PS/2 port is a 6-pin mini-DIN connector used for connecting keyboards and mice to a PC compatible computer system. Its name comes from the IBM Personal System/2 series of personal computers, with which it was introduced in 1987.
PS2 接口键盘和 USB 接口键盘间有何区别? - 知乎
1.ps2不是通用接口,占地儿。 2.ps2不是即擦即用,还要重启电脑呢。 3.ps2的接口容易断。 4.除非主板不提供ps2接口,ps2键盘现在还有市场。
PS/2介面 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
ps/2埠是一種pc相容型電腦系統上的介面,用來連結鍵盤及滑鼠。 其名稱來源於1987年IBM推出的 個人電腦 : PS/2 系列電腦。 PS/2滑鼠連接通常取代舊式的序列滑鼠介面( DB-9 RS-232 ),而PS/2鍵盤連接則取代為 IBM PC/AT 設計的大型5針/180° DIN介面 。
PlayStation 2 accessories - Wikipedia
Various accessories for the PlayStation 2 video game console have been produced by Sony, as well as third parties. These include controllers, audio and video input devices such as microphones and video cameras, and cables for better sound and picture quality.
PS2 - Cheat Device for PS2 by root670 - PSX-Place
Cheat Device is a game enhancer for PlayStation 2 games, similar to Action Replay, GameShark, and CodeBreaker. It supports booting retail, disc based games as well as ELF files such as OpenPS2Loader or ESR.
PlayStation 2 technical specifications - Wikipedia
PlayStation 2 software is distributed on CD-ROM and DVD-ROM. In addition, the console can play audio CDs and DVD movies, and is backwards compatible with original PlayStation games. This is accomplished through the inclusion of the original PlayStation's CPU which also serves as the PS2's I/O processor, clocked at 36.864 MHz in PS2 mode. [1] .
PS2机型进阶之路 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
5月15日,sce推出了支持dvd 士r/rw媒体格式的机型scph-50000,以及新型的dvd遥控器scph-10420,有了这项功能,玩家就能直接用ps2来播放在dvd录像机上录制的影像了,同时50000型的ps2主机还内置了接受遥控器信号用的专用红外线装置,这样玩家就能够用手柄直接控制dvd的 ...
What Are PS/2 Ports and Connectors? - Lifewire
2023年8月30日 · PS/2 is a now-defunct, standard type of connection used to connect keyboards, mice, and other input devices to a computer. Generally, it refers to the types of cables (PS/2 cable), ports (PS/2 port), and other connectors used with these types of keyboards and mice. These ports are round and consist of 6 pins.
ps2devicessupport怎么设置 - 百度知道
具体设置如下:开机按DEL键,进入BIOS Features (BIOS功能设定),然后到Fast Boot,将「Fast Boot」设为「Enabled」这样才能开放usb和ps2设定. 如果你的键鼠是USB口,来到USB Support选项,选择Partial Initial 或者Full Initial ,如果选Partial Initial 还是不行,那就选Full Initial。 然后F10保存退出即可。 如果你的键鼠是PS2口,来到PS2 Devices Support选项,选择Enabled ,然后F10保存退出即可。 一定记住将先将「Fast Boot」设为「Enabled」后,USB Support选项 …
PS2 - Cheat Device (Continuation) - PSX-Place
2023年6月14日 · In the past I added EXFAT support to cheat device. But now the official CheatDevice repository has been marked as archive (the project is no longer in development aka: abandoned) since Mar 18, 2023. So I decided to work a little bit more on it to keep it up to date with the requirements of users.
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