The next generation of VR gaming on PS5 - PlayStation®VR2
Discover multiplayer open worlds, survival horrors and stealth action games, plus sports sims, quirky puzzlers and free-to-play epics – explore Steam’s huge range of virtual reality games to expand your PlayStation VR2 experience.
New PS VR2 games coming soon (US) - PlayStation
Discover multiplayer open worlds, survival horrors and stealth action games, plus sports sims, quirky puzzlers and free-to-play epics – explore Steam’s huge range of virtual reality games to expand your PlayStation VR2 experience.
Buy PlayStation VR2 Now | PlayStation®
Experience new sensations with stunning 4K HDR visuals 1, ground-breaking new controllers and genre-defining games, all made possible by the power of PS5™. Explore Click.
PlayStation VR2 - Best Buy
And, PS VR2 is compatible with PlayStation 5, which means you can enjoy the latest PS5 games with enhanced graphics and performance. To set up your PS VR, simply connect the PlayStation VR headset to your PS5 console, put it on and let the magic begin. The ergonomic design ensures a comfortable fit, even during extended gaming sessions.
Buy PS VR2 | PlayStation® (US)
2023年2月22日 · Escape into worlds that feel, look and sound truly real as VR gaming takes a huge generational leap forward. PlayStation®5 Console required to play PlayStation®VR2. Free Standard Shipping on all orders. Enjoy 4K HDR visuals, a 110º field of view* and advanced graphical rendering.
PlayStation®VR2 | PS5上的次世代VR游戏体验 | PlayStation
PlayStation VR2 Sense控制器充电座在手,随时体验全新的虚拟现实世界,开启下一场激动人心的冒险。 简单的即插即用设计,无需连接PlayStation®5主机,不占用USB端口,轻松为PlayStation VR2 Sense控制器组快速充电。
Sony PlayStation VR2 - PSVR2 - GameStop
PlayStation VR2 Sense Technology - Feel real sensations and emotions with eye tracking, headset feedback, 3D Audio and highly intuitive controls. Quick Setup - Jump straight into the action with a simple one-cable connection to your PS5 console. Thrilling New Worlds - Surround yourself in a new generation of genre-defining VR games.
万字评测PS VR2:是时候为信仰买单了_VR陀螺 - vrtuoluo.cn
2023年3月15日 · 作为与ps5主机搭配使用的vr头显,ps vr2在初次连接到主机并启动时还有贴心的设置教程。 系统会引导用户逐步完成:安装耳机;连接两个Sense控制器,以供PS5匹配;佩戴PS VR2头显;手动调节镜片间距;适配眼动追踪功能;扫描游玩空间。
索尼正式推出 PS VR2 头显,更真实感受,适配 PS5,支持 4K …
2023年1月5日 · PS VR2 可以切换 VR 模式和影院模式,VR 模式下可在虚拟空间中以 360 度视角观看 VR 游戏内容,支持单眼 2000x2400 HDR,90/120Hz 刷新率。 在影院模式下,玩家可在虚拟影院屏幕上查看 PS5 系统 UI 与所有非 VR 游戏和媒体内容,支持 1080P HDR 24/60Hz 的视频格式,也支持 120Hz。 PS VR2 Sense控制器(手柄) 这个手柄采用球形设计,拥有优异平衡且符合人体工学设计,享受自由的移动和逼真自然的游戏体验,让您能舒适地专注探索身处的游戏世 …
PlayStation VR2:终极问答集 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年2月7日 · 对于VR体验来说,PS VR2带来卓越的进步,让您能以全新且身历其境的方式透过PS5主机进行互动。 PlayStation VR2 Sense技术结合了PlayStation VR2 Sense控制器、PlayStation VR2头戴装置回馈、3D音效和眼动追踪,将情绪和沉浸感栩栩如生的呈现出来。 PS VR2头戴装置内建HDR OLED显示器,支援单眼2000 x 2040像素,大幅升级视觉清晰度,并提供更宽广的视野,打造更无间隙的VR游戏体验。 PS VR2也提供拥有细腻触觉特效的头戴装置 …
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