Arc Audio PS8 vs PS8 Pro - DIYMobileAudio.com Car Stereo Forum
2024年2月2日 · PS8 has opamp sockets so you can roll different opamps to tailor the sound to your liking if youre into that kinda thing. PS8pro has more time alignment available. Its like 15ms on Ps8 and 20ms on Pro if I remember right. PS8 is a solid processor especially with the ability to change opamps. Unfortunate side is software is no longer supported.
Arc Audio PS8 PRO - Released - DIYMobileAudio.com Car Stereo …
2019年1月21日 · Post from Facebook. Happy Sunday ARC Audio fans. We know you have been waiting and that time is NOW. NOW SHIPPING TO US CUSTOMERS, the PS8-Pro hits the ground running with multiple championships and awards in hand. Stay tuned for the independent product reviews and the product spotlight. For...
Arc Audio PS8 PRO - DIYMobileAudio.com Car Stereo Forum
2021年12月18日 · "The PS8-PRO is much more than your typical DSP processor. At the digital core is a high-performance, automotive-grade, user-programmable, fixed-point, 32-bit, End-to-End (from ADC to DAC), 12x12 DSP core designed specifically for the audio industry, which is capable of 96/192-kHz signal processing, with plenty of room for …
Arc Audio PS8 PRO - Released | Page 4 - diymobileaudio.com
2020年8月24日 · Prior to DSP Pro I was using Alpine H701 and that sounded very exciting and closer to live sounding with huge sound stage. DSP Pro is smoother, but everything else seems lacking behind in comparison. So anyway, I hope the PS8 Pro can bring back that excitement I …
ARC Audio PS8 Pro fireware update failed
2024年5月11日 · Hello, I went to connect to the PS8 today and the DNA software said there was an update, so I installed that. When the updated software opened, it said there was new firmware for the PS8, click install, it went through the process but …
REW Auto EQ import into Arc Audio PS8 Pro
2024年6月29日 · Audi A6 C7.5: iPhone 16 Pro via SMSL PO 100 Pro DDC, miniDSP DDRC-22D, modded Arc Audio PS8-PRO DSP; HAT L2SE wide bands, Stereo Integrity TM8 midbass and SQL-12 D4 subs (trunk baffle); Stereo Integrity SIQ-3000.1, SIQ-75.4, & SIQ-125.4 amps
Create rear differential in Arc Audio PS8-Pro DSP / Amp...
2024年10月29日 · Could be just my imagination, but nonetheless this work around can be an alternative for rear fill on PS8-Pro platform. I will report back once I give this method a try, possibly tomorrow. And if this works, then another DSP that can use this method is the ESX Quantum DSP as it too can invert the input signal.
Arc Audio PS8 PRO - DIYMobileAudio.com Car Stereo Forum
2019年2月4日 · But on the new Pro, word is op amps can’t be upgraded like the standard PS8? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro 2008 Civic Si Sedan - Fiio X5ii SPDIF, Phone USB HEC, Helix DSP Pro-2, Helix Director, Zapco Z150.6 LX, Z400.2 LX, Acoustic Elegance SBP12 (2)
PS8-PRO vs. DM-810 | DIYMobileAudio.com Car Stereo Forum
2022年11月29日 · Keep the PS8-Pro since you already have it. In my opinion the PS8-Pro is the better DSP both in sound and function. If your installer likes the DM-810, then he should love the PS8-Pro. Turning down the output voltage just means turn down the output coming out from the DSP. Which every DSP is able to do.
Arc Audio PS8 PRO - Released | Page 6 - diymobileaudio.com
2011年4月29日 · Yeah the PS8 Pro is just a very pleasant sounding DSP. I am having a lot of fun with it also as there are many things to learn and play around with. I hope I am not sounding biased but it is a really good product. In fact it encourages me to revisit my Helix DSP Pro and apply some of the things I learned from tuning the PS8 Pro.