PSA Level After Prostatectomy: What Does Your Number Mean? - WebMD
2024年2月27日 · You'll have your first follow-up PSA test 1 to 3 months after your surgery. You need to wait because some PSA stays in your blood after your prostate is removed. If you wait until it has...
Post surgery PSA: 0.1 or <0.1 the target? - Cancer Survivors …
My post surgery PSA was 0.1. My doctor, who wants me to have follow up radiation, says the magic number is <0.1, that 0.1 says there is something there to measure. I've read other places that >0.1 says there is possibly something there. I'm having another PSA soon but wonder if 0.1 is something to worry about.
PSA-01 便携式检谱分析仪_核电子学部件_产品中心_陕西迪泰克新 …
PSA-01是一款集成主放、多道脉冲分析仪、高压功能的便携式核能谱采集设备。 该设备可进行主放增益、高压、成形时间的调节,便于携带、兼容性强。 搭配上位机软件可进行核能谱采集显示、分析处理、数据保存等功能。 设备内部采用锂电池供电,无需外接电源,可进行多达10000次的充电。 设备体积轻巧、操作简单、易携带,与我公司的CZT探头系列产品配合将构成完整的X射线、γ射线能谱采集平台。 关键性能指标:
PSA Change from Less Than 0.01 to 0.01 Three and a Half Years …
2018年1月27日 · Since my surgery three and a half years ago, my PSA has always been less than 0.01 and described as undetectable. My recent test came back as 0.01. My doc says not to worry, no problem until it reaches 0.1. I realize my doc is probably correct, but the change from less than 0.01 to 0.01 means it went from undetectable to detectable. This ...
肿瘤标志物科普--PSA/fPSA 异常原因分析 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
血清PSA是检测和早期发现前列腺癌最重要的指标之一,血清TPSA定量的阳性临界值为大于10 μg/L,前列腺癌的诊断特异性达90%~97%。 PSA测定还可用于监测前列腺癌患者或接受激素治疗患者的病情及疗效,90%前列腺癌术后患者的血清TPSA值可降至不能检出的痕量水平,若术后血清TPSA值升高,提示有残存肿瘤。 放疗后疗效显著者,50%以上患者在2个月内血清TPSA降至正常。 - 发现时间:PSA的发现可以追溯到1970年代。 1971年,日本法医科学家Mitsuwo Hara …
Detectable Prostate-specific antigen value between 0.01 and 0.1 …
Purpose: The aim of the study is to evaluate the impact of having a nadir and persistently detectable ultrasensitive prostate-specific antigen (uPSA) between 0.01 and 0.1 ng/ml post-robot-assisted radical prostatectomy (RARP), on future biochemical recurrence (BCR).
Autonics PSA-01-NPT1/8 - Pressure Sensor - TEquipment
The PSA series compact digital pressure sensors feature high display resolutions and fast response time for optimal performance. The sensors also feature various output modes and functions, making it ideal for various pressure related applications. The bright LED display allows users to quickly and easily identify pressure level and status.
PSA-01 便携式检谱分析仪 - 深圳国际核能产业创新博览会
深圳国际核能产业创新博览会 2024年11月11日 - 11月13日 广东省深圳市会展中心
奥托尼克斯 AUTONICS PSA-1-Rc1/8 奥托尼克斯 PSA系列 数字显 …
奥托尼克斯 autonics psa-01-rc1/8 奥托尼克斯 psa系列 数字显示压力传感器: 外形:正方形. 额定压力范围:- 5.0 - 110.0kpa. 输出类型:npn. 压力种类:正压力. 量测压力范围:0.0 - 100.0kpa ¥352: mz001729. 收藏商品. 奥托尼克斯 autonics psa-01-npt1/8 奥托尼克斯 psa系列 数字显示 ...
MISUMI | 미스미 종합 Web 카탈로그
오토닉스 (autonics)의 압력센서 psa 시리즈 용 옵션 (psa-01-npt1-8)입니다. •관련키워드: 오토닉스, 압력 센서/유량 센서 옵션 한국미스미 FA표준품, CAD도면가공, 무료배송, 신규고객 할인