XIL-II (X09LB): Extreme Ultraviolet Interference Lithography - PSI
2015年7月2日 · The X-ray Interference Lithography (XIL) beamline provides spatially coherent beam in the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) energy range. The light from the undulator source is filtered by a pinhole spatial filter to deliver spatially coherent illumination in the custom designed exposure chamber.
Advanced Lithography and Metrology | Laboratory for X-ray ... - PSI
With a world record in resolution for photolithography down to 6 nm half pitch, the XIL-II beamline at is the world-leading tool and is used extensively used for both academic and industrial research as well as for commercial applications.
Endstation | BL: SLS/XIL - PSI
The center piece of the XIL endstation is the exposure chamber which houses the interferometer optics, sample stage and other diagnostic devices. The exposure and the process rooms are in the cleanroom environment equipped with amine filters.
Beamline Layout | BL: SLS/XIL - PSI
The X-ray Interference Lithography facility is built in the same straight section with the SIS beamline. It has its own undulator and optics sharing the same optical hutch with the SIS beamline.
EUV Lensless Imaging | Laboratory for X-ray Nanoscience and ...
Metrology branch of XIL-II beamline provides spatially coherent illumination and monochromatic beam of up to λ/Δλ=1600 in the range of 10 nm to 16 nm wavelength. We develop photomask inspection technology with coherent scattering contrast and …
Publications | BL: SLS/XIL - PSI
DOI: 10.1016/j.mee.2016.12.017 Photosensitized Chemically Amplified Resist (PSCAR) 2.0 for high-throughput and high-resolution EUV lithography: dual photosensitization of acid generation and quencher decomposition by flood exposure Nagahara S, Carcasi M, Shiraishi G, Nakagawa H, Dei S, Shiozawa T, Nafus K, De Simone D, Vandenberghe G, Stock H, Küchler B, Hori M, …
Characteristics of EUV-IL | Laboratory for X-ray Nanoscience and
XIL-II, the EUV-IL tool at SLS provides the smallest patterns ever written with photons. The resolution is mainly limited by resists and mask writing.
Source Characteristics | BL: SLS/XIL - PSI
The XIL-II beamline does not have a monochromator. The higher harmonics are blocked with the combinations of different mirrors. The energy range covered is 70-500 eV.
PSI researchers use extreme UV light to produce tiny structures for ...
2023年6月5日 · For the exposure, they used extreme ultraviolet light, or EUV for short, from the Swiss Light Source SLS at PSI. The researchers were able to create structures, i.e. circuit traces, that were just 75 nanometres wide.
The EPS system opens the valves of the branch (SIS or XIL) depending on the XIL mirror position. If the mirror is out and the valves are open then you need to (1) close the valves (2) close cooling before you can move the mirror in. Check that the XIL switching mirror is IN. If not move it IN. Check the ID status on “main ID1” and “main ...