Phytosulfokine (PSK) precursor processing by subtilase SBT3.8 and PSK ...
2021年1月20日 · Here we report that the stress-induced production of a peptide signal contributes to stress tolerance. The expression of phytosulfokine (PSK) peptide precursor genes, and transcripts of three subtilisin-like serine proteases, SBT1.4, SBT3.7, and SBT3.8, were found to be up-regulated in response to osmotic stress.
枯草杆菌酶 SBT3.8 和 PSK 信号处理植物硫素 (PSK) 前体提高拟南 …
压力症状在 sbt3.8 功能丧失突变体中更为明显,并且可以通过 PSK 治疗得到缓解。 与野生型植物相比,过表达 PSK1 前体 (proPSK1) 或 SBT3.8 的植物的渗透胁迫耐受性得到改善,从而导致转基因植物的鲜重更高,侧根发育得到改善。
α (phytosulfokine-α, PSK-α), 一种是由4个氨基酸组 成, 命名为植物磺肽素β (phytosulfokine-β, PSK-β) (Matsubayashi和Sakagami 1996)。 PSK是由80~120个氨基酸前体蛋白加工而成, 这类前体蛋白是由一个小的基因家族编码(Lorbie- cke和Sauter 2002; Sauter 2015; Yang等2001)。已被
Tyrosylprotein sulfotransferase-dependent and -independent regulation ...
2021年5月24日 · The disulfated pentapeptide phytosulfokine (PSK) mediates growth via leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases, PSKR1 and PSKR2. PSK receptors (PSKRs) are part of a response module at the plasma membrane that mediates short-term growth responses, but downstream signaling of transcriptional regulation remains unexplored.
Biogenesis of post-translationally modified peptide signals for …
2022年10月1日 · Cleavage sites in PMP precursors are recognized by subtilases (SBTs) in a highly specific manner. SBT-mediated processing results in the activation of PMP signals regulating stress-induced flower drop, the formation of …
Genome-wide analysis of the SBT gene family involved in drought ...
2023年1月11日 · This study provides the first comprehensive analysis of the SBT gene family in cotton. Here, 368 SBT genes were detected in four cotton species, including 120 GhSBTs in upland cotton, which underwent tandem and genome-wide duplication during evolution.
A systematic analysis of the subtilase gene family and expression …
2023年10月1日 · Subtilases (SBTs), also known as Subtilisin-like serine proteases, are extracellular alkaline protease proteins. SBTs function in all stages of plant growth, development and stress responses. Maize (Zea mays L.) is a crop widely used worldwide as food, feed, and industrial materials.
a family portrait of plant subtilases - New Phytologist
2017年5月3日 · Subtilases (SBTs) are serine peptidases that are found in all three domains of life. As compared with homologs in other Eucarya, plant SBTs are more closely related to archaeal and bacterial SBTs, with which they share many biochemical and structural features.
Peptide Elicitors for Defense Against Abiotic Stress
2024年11月10日 · The production of the PSK pentapeptide from the PSK precursor protein by subtilases (SBTs) and PSK itself is involved in Arabidopsis’ ability to withstand drought stress. When exposed to osmotic stressors like mannitol, specific genes responsible for PSK (PSK1, PSK3, PSK4, and PSK5) among with specific SBT genes (SBT1.4, SBT3.7, and SBT3.8 ...
Peptide signaling for drought-induced tomato flower drop
2020年3月27日 · Drought-induced flower drop in tomato plants was found to be regulated by phytosulfokine (PSK), a peptide hormone previously known for its growth-promoting and immune-modulating activities.