How to access PlayStation Plus on PC
Find out how to navigate the PlayStation®Plus PC app and stream PlayStation Plus games on your PC. An adult account for PlayStation Network. Broadband with a minimum speed of 5 Mbps — a wired connection is recommended. A compatible controller. Visit the PlayStation Plus app download page. Install any drivers by following the onscreen prompts.
How to sign in to PSN when playing a PlayStation game on PC
Find out how to sign in and link your account for PlayStation™Network (PSN) while playing PlayStation games on PC. Purchase, download, and start an eligible PlayStation game playable on PC. Go to the main menu for the game and select Sign In. Sign in using your sign-in ID (email address), or create an account.
PlayStation Network
Sign in to PlayStation Network to enjoy incredible gaming and entertainment experiences on your PlayStation consoles and other connected devices. The largest library of PlayStation games in the world.
PlayStation gaming on PC (US)
Purchase, download, and start an eligible PlayStation game playable on PC. Choose your data privacy options and in-game settings during the first boot-up sequence. Follow the on-screen instructions until you find an option to link to PSN. A prompt may appear instead. Enter your sign-in ID and password, or create a new account if you don’t ...
了解在PC上玩PlayStation游戏时如何登录并关联访问PlayStation™Network (PSN)的账号。 购买、下载和开始玩适合在PC上游玩的PlayStation游戏。 前往游戏主菜单并选择 登录。 使用您的登录ID(电子邮件地址)登录,或创建一个账号。 账号关联 可以在您登录时完成(此体验可能会因游戏而异)。 关联过程可能会因游戏而异。 购买、下载和开始玩适合在PC上游玩的PlayStation游戏。 在第一次启动过程中选择您的数据隐私选项和游戏内设定。 按照屏幕上的说明执行操作, …
如何在 Windows 11 上加入 PlayStation 聚会聊天
目前,人们可以在 Windows 11 计算机上玩一些最好的 PlayStation 专属视频游戏,但不仅如此,还可以直接从 PC 加入 PlayStation 聚会聊天。 当要在 PC 上加入聚会聊天时,您需要拥有 PlayStation 5 或 PlayStation t。
New and upcoming PC games - PlayStation (US)
PlayStation games for PC. Explore a range of acclaimed titles from PlayStation Studios, now available to enjoy on PC via Steam and Epic Games Store.
如何在 Windows 10 设备上下载并使用 PlayStation App ️
2023年12月24日 · 随着 游戏机应用程序 对于 Windows 10,您可以将 PlayStation 体验带到您的台式机或笔记本电脑设备上。 在本指南中,我们将向您展示如何下载和使用这个有用的应用程序来访问您的 PlayStation 个人资料、向您的朋友发送消息、购买游戏等等。 继续阅读以了解如何充分利用 游戏机应用程序 在您的 Windows 10 设备上。 下载应用程序: 您应该做的第一件事是转到 Windows 10 设备上的 Microsoft 商店并搜索 Playstation应用。 找到它后,单击“下载”将其安装 …
Control your PS4 console from a Windows PC | PS Remote Play
Install PS Remote Play on your Windows PC, and then connect to your PS4 console. You’ll need the following to use Remote Play: Always update your PS4 console to the latest version of the system software. Use the same account that you use for your PS4 console. If you don’t have an account, you need to create one first.
RPCS3 - The PlayStation 3 Emulator
RPCS3 is a multi-platform open-source Sony PlayStation 3 emulator and debugger written in C++ for Windows, Linux, macOS and FreeBSD. The purpose of this project is to accurately emulate the PlayStation 3 in its entirety with the power of reverse engineering and …