PSV,PSP哪个更值得买? - 知乎
1.就屏幕眩光而言,PSP反射率更低,更护眼,长时间游玩不太累。 2.携带便携性和续航而言,PSP完胜,PSP体积小,电池可拆卸,所以可以备用多块电池。
PSP vs. PS Vita: The Ultimate Comparison of Sony's Handheld …
2024年5月28日 · Here is a table comparing the key differences between the PSP and PS Vita: The original PSP 1000 featured a cutting-edge design for its time. The sleek, piano black casing and large, vibrant screen made it stand out compared to rival Nintendo handhelds.
Sony PSP 3000 vs Sony Vita: What is the difference? - Versus
What is the difference between Sony Vita and Sony PSP 3000? Find out which is better and their overall performance in the game console ranking.
PSP and PS Vita Side by Side - Lifewire
2023年9月22日 · The PlayStation Portable (PSP) and PlayStation Vita were two of Sony's attempts to break into the handheld video game console market. They released in Japan in …
2023年11月23日 · 优点:作为psp的迭代升级款,psv的屏幕肉眼可见的进步,从普通屏变成了触摸电容屏,且还带有后触摸板。 整个面貌也变得更偏圆弧形,增加了右摇杆。
should i buy the psp or the psvita? : r/vita - Reddit
2021年11月6日 · it really depends on the games you want to play. if you want to play physical psp games then go for the psp, since the vita can't read umd. if you don't care about them being physical games then the vita is a good option since you can download a number of psp games from psn, although psn doesn't have all of them. you CAN play every psp game on ...
索尼中PSP与PSV的区别? - 知乎
PSP是索尼的第一代机,而psv是索尼的第二代机,两者在价格,外观,配置,性能,网络兼容等方面有着很大的差别。 1.价格:psp2000目前在某宝500元左右,psv1000元左右,闲鱼上面会更加便宜。
PS Vita vs. PSP - What's the Difference? | This vs. That
The PS Vita and PSP are both handheld gaming consoles developed by Sony, but they have some key differences. The PSP, released in 2004, was the first handheld console to feature a built-in screen and controls, allowing players to enjoy console-quality games on the go.
PSP VS NDS:谁才是曾经的游戏掌机之王? - 知乎
在全平台中,排名第六,前五位则全部为家用游戏机,包括任天堂的Wii,索尼的PS、PS2、PS3以及微软的XBOX360。 反观PSP,与之相比销量则相比硬件还要更惨一些,尚且不及有“末代掌机”之称的任天堂3DS,在掌机领域仅排第五:
PSP vs. PS Vita: Which Handheld Console Reigns Supreme in …
Are you torn between the PS Vita and the PSP? This guide breaks down the features and compares the two gaming consoles to help you make the right choice!