PSX (digital video recorder) - Wikipedia
The PSX is a digital video recorder and home video game console released by Sony in Japan on December 13, 2003. Since it was designed to be a general-purpose consumer video device, it was marketed by the main Sony Corporation instead of Sony Computer Entertainment and does not carry the usual PlayStation branding.
2020年9月28日 · 这就是PSX,一部融合了硬盘录像机,PS2游戏机,网络服务终端和照片视频管理器的超级设备。 几乎是把当初需要三四台才能实现的功能合并到了一台机器上面。 主要功能: 游玩PS/PS2游戏. 可以与PSP进行联机(限最后一个版本) 具备电视选台功能. 电视节目定时录像功能. 接收卫星讯号功能. 具备DVD播放功能. 具备DVD±R光盘刻录功能. 内部硬盘读写功能. 游戏、音乐、影像的下载服务. 内建以太网卡. 具备USB2.0接口. 可与电脑连接. 自带索尼记忆卡槽可 …
PSX - 百度百科
PSX有容量为160GB和250GB硬盘的两个版本,用户可以存储电视节目、家庭录象、数码相片或玩PS2游戏。 PSX可以与PSP连接以传输视频或音乐,并已有消息宣称PSX可以与PS3连接,以使得单纯作为游戏设备的PS3成为一台综合影音终端。 PSX还以索尼独创的“十字媒体键”(Cross Media Bar,XMB)著称。
RPCS3 - Download
3 天之前 · Purchasing legitimate game copies, through the PlayStation Store or through acquiring game discs, and using those copies with RPCS3 is the best way to ensure you will have a clean copy that will
psx和ps有什么区别 - 百度知道
2024年4月19日 · psx作为ps的改进版,在性能上有所提升,并拥有一些独占游戏,而ps则拥有更广泛的游戏库和更好的兼容性。 对于玩家来说,选择PSX还是PS主要取决于他们对游戏性能和独占内容的重视程度。
pSX - The Emulator Zone
This emulator fully emulates the Sony Playstation. 651 Kb.
PSX-28 Management of lameness in meat goat herds: A survey of …
2024年9月14日 · Lameness is a persistent animal health concern in the meat goat industry. A survey was developed to describe lameness in commercial meat goat herds in the southeastern US. The survey included 35 multiple-choice questions about general herd attributes, various management practices, and specific herd lameness characteristics.
Sony Playstation / PSX ROMs (ISOs) - CoolROM.com
You can play these ISOs on your Android / iOS / Windows Phone device! Visit m.coolrom.com on your mobile device now to get set up! CoolROM.com's PSX ROMs section. Mobile optimized.
PSX Stock Price | Phillips 66 Stock Quote (U.S.: NYSE) - MarketWatch
2 天之前 · PSX | Complete Phillips 66 stock news by MarketWatch. View real-time stock prices and stock quotes for a full financial overview.
Phillips 66 (PSX) Stock Price, News, Quote & History - Yahoo Finance
Find the latest Phillips 66 (PSX) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.