Engineering bunched Pt-Ni alloy nanocages for efficient oxygen
2019年11月15日 · We report one-dimensional bunched platinum-nickel (Pt-Ni) alloy nanocages with a Pt-skin structure for the oxygen reduction reaction that display high mass activity (3.52 amperes per milligram platinum) and specific activity (5.16 milliamperes per square centimeter platinum), or nearly 17 and 14 times higher as compared with a commercial platinu...
Platinum–nickel frame within metal-organic framework fabricated
2015年9月22日 · Here we present an unique in situ etching and coordination synthetic strategy for exploiting a functionalized metal-organic framework to incorporate the bimetallic platinum–nickel frames, thereby...
Role of Ni in PtNi Bimetallic Electrocatalysts for Hydrogen and …
2022年11月10日 · With a moderate Ni content and a homogenously alloyed bimetallic Pt–Ni structure, the PtNi2 catalyst displayed the highest reaction activity among all materials studied in this work. In situ FTIR data show that PtNi2 can activate the glycerol molecule at a more negative potential (0.4 VRHE) than the other PtNi catalysts.
<br>原位 TEM 观察双金属 Pt-Ni 纳米粒子在高温下的结构和化学 …
本研究利用原位透射电子显微镜研究了单晶 Pt-Ni 纳米颗粒的热诱导结构和化学演化。 观察到的形态演化包括从截角八面体到类球形各向同性形状的小面发展,随后由于表面原子迁移和颗粒-基底相互作用所导致的界面润湿而在高温下形成薄煎饼状椭圆体形状。
高温原位TEM结果证明PtNi合金的Ni来自Ni-N-C表面的Ni团簇,而不是单原子。 电化学测试结果表明PtNi/NiNC催化ORR的起始电位、质量比活性、面积比活性均高于Pt/NiNC。
In Situ TEM for Structural and Chemical Evolutions of Bimetallic Pt–Ni …
2024年7月3日 · This study investigates the thermally induced structural and chemical evolutions of single-crystalline Pt–Ni NPs using in situ transmission electron microscopy.
Magnetically Collected Platinum/Nickel Alloy Nanoparticles as …
2021年12月13日 · Figure 2 shows STEM and high-resolution TEM (HRTEM) images of a Pt 0.05 Ni 0.95 nanonetwork. The overall structure, Figure 2a, is highly porous, contributing to a high surface-to-volume ratio. Figure 2b–d reveals that the nanoparticles self-organize into interlinked nanowires with a beads-on-a-string architecture. The individual nanoparticles ...
Synergistic effect of Pt-Ni dual single-atoms and alloy …
2023年3月15日 · Dual single-atoms of Pt, Ni and PtNi alloy NPs supported on N -doped carbon was successfully prepared. The catalyst exhibited impressive ORR catalytic activity in acidic medium. The catalyst delivered a superior Pt utilization efficiency of 0.033g Pt …
Nat. Mater.:"Pt-Ni"纳米合金组成与形貌调变机理 - 搜狐
2016年10月19日 · 首先,作者选择性刻蚀掉Ni元素留下Pt元素,以确定各种中间态中Pt原子的状态和分布。TEM以及EDS图如下: 在Pt:Ni比例稳定区(RD-3,RD-10),虽然Pt、Ni的含量不变,但Pt的状态却发生了很大的变化,从图d演变为图f 。从这一系列TEM图可以初步确定Pt从内部向 …
Atomic layer deposition enabled PtNi alloy catalysts for …
2022年8月15日 · During heat treatment, the Pt-rich Pt 3 Ni alloy converted into the Pt skin-Pt 3 Ni alloy structure from the ALD growth mechanism, which is evidenced by spherical aberration (Cs)-corrected transmission electron microscopy (TEM), line profiling, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS).