PV-1 machine gun - Wikipedia
PV-1 (Pulemet Vozdushny, airborne machine gun) is a Soviet air-cooled version of the Russian M1910 Maxim for mounting on aircraft. It was designed between 1926 and 1927. The first prototypes were produced and accepted into service in 1928. [1]
PV-1 (7.62 mm) - War Thunder Wiki
The 7.62 mm PV-1 (Pulemot Vozdushnyy pervyy or Air Machine Gun the first) is a 7.62 mm calibre machine gun which was first produced in 1926 for usage in Soviet aircraft. Mass production began in 1927 up to 1940. Later it was replaced by ShKAS. PV-1 is a modification of Maxim gun which is compatible for aviation. Vehicles equipped with this ...
2020年2月7日 · 而当时苏联空军装备的第一款中口径航空机枪——PV-1型7.62毫米航空机枪,却是以“苏联版马克沁机枪”,即M1910水冷式重机枪为基础改进而来的。 当时苏联军用航空工业还比较弱。 为了能够尽快拿出一款性能堪用的中口径航空机枪,于是便在成熟的M1910水冷式重机枪基础上,通过换掉金属式冷却水桶,加快射速等方法,研制出了PV-1型航空机枪。 不过因为原始设计的原因,虽然PV-1航空机枪的射速经过了加强,但是其最高射速也仅有750发/分钟,在二战初 …
整天7.62mm,盘点一下7.62mm的枪和枪弹究竟有多少种 - 知乎
今天来盘点一下,究竟有多少种7.62子弹存在于世界上。 子弹呢,大概是两大类,步枪弹和手枪弹,另外步枪弹还可以分两类,全威力弹和中间威力弹。 这些都是大概分,细分的话,多了去了。 然而这些类型的枪弹里,都存在7.62mm的枪弹。 咱从历史发展来捋一捋,有多少7.62mm枪弹。 早期呢,1890年左右,美国人推出了.30-40克拉格枪弹,那会儿是用于克拉格步枪,后来用在了M1892春田步枪身上,后来又用到了加特林机枪上面。 最早这个枪弹,是美国海军和海军陆 …
7.62×54mmR - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7.62R子彈的表現相當於美國.30-06 子彈的等級,原則上有效射程大約都在1000m左右。 在這個「1890年瓶頸凸緣式中央底火子彈俱樂部」(等級)中,属于因彈道平穩威力強勁而碩果僅存的「老會員」。 其他類似的子彈(設計於1880-1890年代)大多數都在一戰或二戰後停用,主要原因是凸緣彈殼不利於自動武器供彈,在諸如彈匣等供彈具中凸緣容易互相咬合導致卡彈等故障,降低供彈可靠性。 而蘇俄在使用凸緣彈方面經驗豐富,其武器設計風格也適應凸緣彈的使用,加上 …
7.62×54mmR - Wikipedia
The 7.62×54mmR is a rimmed rifle cartridge developed by the Russian Empire and introduced as a service cartridge in 1891. Originally designed for the bolt-action Mosin–Nagant rifle, it was used during the late tsarist era and throughout the Soviet period to the present day.
2014年9月1日 · 为了提高生存能力,pv-1 的驾驶舱、炮塔、机内自封闭油箱等处安装有防弹玻璃和装甲,总重量达 806 千克。早期的 pv-1 保留了机鼻两侧和机鼻地板上的观察窗,于 1942 年 11 月 3 日进行了首飞。 pv-1 的早期生产型 pv-1 的驾驶舱
7.62×25mm托卡列夫手枪弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
7.62×25mm托卡列夫手枪弹(俄语:7,62 mm Tokarev (7,62×25 Tokarev) )是具有瓶状外形的半凸缘弹药,是苏联在德国7.63×25毫米毛瑟弹的基础上发展起来的。它与德国弹药筒的不同之处在于扩大的凹槽和部分突出的边缘。
List of 7.62×54mmR firearms - Wikipedia
The below table gives a list of firearms that can fire the 7.62×54mmR cartridge. The cartridge was originally developed for the Mosin–Nagant rifle and introduced in 1891 by the Russian Empire. It was the service cartridge of the late Tsarist era and throughout the Soviet period to the present-day Russia and other countries as well.
PV-1 machine gun | Military Wiki | Fandom
PV-1 (Pulemet Vozdushny, airborne machine gun) is a Soviet air-cooled version of the Russian M1910 Maxim for mounting on aircraft. It was designed between 1926 and 1927. The first prototypes were produced and accepted into service in 1928.[1]