DuPont™ Tedlar® PVF film is strong, flexible and fatigue-resistant. Its resistance to failure by flexing is outstanding. Tedlar® performs well in temperatures ranging from approximately -72 …
Polyvinyl fluoride - Wikipedia
Polyvinyl fluoride is a thermoplastic fluoropolymer with a repeating vinyl fluoride unit, and it is structurally very similar to polyvinyl chloride. The PVF-based film was first commercialised in …
DuPont™ Tedlar® Provides Superior Surface Protection for …
Tedlar® is a highly versatile polyvinyl fluoride (PVF) film that provides a long-lasting finish to a wide variety of surfaces. Proven applications, globally, for over 50 years including aerospace, …
Tedlar® PVF 薄膜 DuPont China
Tedlar® PVF 薄膜能为建筑提供持久如新的保障,即使在极端环境下仍能保持长期耐久性。 它可以与铝板、钢板及PVC纤维布等不同建筑基材覆合,防止饰面的褪色、开裂及腐蚀,可延长建筑 …
DuPont™ Tedlar® PVF film - American Durafilm
With the ability to handle exposure to harsh environments, Tedlar ® is an outstanding protective film for applications like architectural substrates and, high-voltage electrical power situations. …
Polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) coatings crack when trying to achieve extreme bends, but the elongation properties of Tedlar(R) film allow for unlimted designs. Only Tedlar® PVF film …
PVF薄膜 - 百度百科
PVF薄膜,又名聚氟乙烯薄膜( polyvinyl fluoride ),简称PVF,是一种热塑性高强度树脂。 无臭、无毒的白色粉末。 密度1.38。 240℃以上分解。 具有晶体结构、高透明度(可透过紫外 …
PVF Film 聚氟乙烯透明膜 - 透明膜 - 廣科工業股份有限公司
聚氟乙烯透明膜 PVF Film. 聚氟乙烯 (Polyvinylene fluoride, PVF)是一種含氟高分子材料,是杜邦™公司于 1940 年代發明, 1950 年代發展出 PVF 薄膜,1961 年將 PVF 薄膜商業化,並以 …
Tedlar® Film - American Durafilm
DuPont™ Tedlar ® PVF film has been used in numerous commercial applications for over 50 years. It is a biaxially-oriented, highly functional, stable film that provides long-lasting finish. …
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Tedlar - Fluorogistx
Tedlar® PVF films. Formable Type 5 films can be printed, laminated to a variety of substrates, and embossed to meet design needs. Suggested applications include deeply contoured parts …