AgiiMan Cordless Pressure Washer - Amazon.com
Amazon.com : AgiiMan Cordless Pressure Washer - MAX 450 PSI Battery Powered Cordless Power Washer Rechargeable, Handheld High Pressure Washer Gun for Car,Home,Floor,Garden Cleaning & Watering, PW01 : Patio, Lawn & Garden
- 评论数: 9
Amazon.com : 12V Cordless Pressure Washer, 4.5‑5.5Bar Power …
Powerful Cordless Pressure Washer: Cordless power cleaner features 4.5-5.5 bar water pressure, which is 5x more pressure than a traditional garden hose with sprayer. 460W high power, providing faster, more powerful water output. You can connect to a garden hose with the quick.
- 评论数: 48
Amazon.com : AgiiMan Cordless Pressure Washer - 21V Pressure …
🚗【Powerful Cordless Pressure Washer】: AgiiMan cordless pressure washer has a pure copper motor that lasts longer than traditional brushed motors, and it makes it worth every dollar you spend. With a maximum pressure of 450PSI and a flow rate of 5L/min, it can easily remove stubborn dirt from the surface of objects.
- 评论数: 58
AgiiMan Cordless Pressure Washer - MAX 450 PSI ... - Amazon …
AgiiMan Cordless Pressure Washer - MAX 450 PSI Battery Powered Cordless Power Washer Rechargeable, Handheld High Pressure Washer Gun for Car,Home,Floor,Garden Cleaning & Watering, PW01 : Amazon.sg: DIY and Tools
- 评论数: 9
Realm D2 1160-PSI 1.5-GPM Cold Water Electric Pressure Washer - Lowe's
Shop Realm D2 1160-PSI 1.5-GPM Cold Water Electric Pressure Washer at Lowe's.com. Realm by-PW01-B2Z-050T ion 40-Volt 4.0 Ah 1200 PSI cordless pressure washer is an ideal way to efficiently clean siding, driveways, cars, patio furniture, and
POJUN PW01鍵盤-波軍 - pojunesport.blogspot.com
2022年10月23日 · POJUN PW01鍵盤為雙模鍵盤,可使用USB或是藍芽裝置連線。 鍵盤支援Windws、iOS、Andrid及Linux 4種系統,無論搭配是桌電、筆電或是平板及手機使用,皆可輕鬆連線。 2.4G模式. 請在設備開機的狀態下,按壓FN+2即可完成切換。 如尚未有反應,請將鍵盤翻至背面按”CONNECT”按鍵,即進入配對狀態,右上的藍色LED會閃爍(每秒閃約2.5次),配對時間約20秒。 藍芽模式. 請按壓FN+1後,將鍵盤翻至背面按”CONNECT”按鍵,即進入配對狀態,右 …
【開箱】POJUN PW01鍵盤開箱|無線藍芽雙模式,PC、平板、筆 …
2022年10月10日 · 今天要跟各位介紹的是,由 波軍POJUN 所推出的「PW01鍵盤」,之前入手iPad Air的時候,就有想過要買一個藍芽鍵盤,讓平板變成文書機使用,不過一直遲遲沒有下手,直到這幾天,看到這款便宜又同時支援藍芽及2.4G的PW01,而且POJUN評價在網路上也挺不錯的,所以就決定買來開葙看看囉! 鍵數:78鍵電源:AAA電池*2顆相容設備:PC、NB、MAC、iPad、iPhone、Android手機相容系統:Windows、 iOS、Android、LINUX重量:265g尺 …
PW01 蓝牙模块 主从一体 串口透传 BLE 蓝牙4.0 超低功耗 超远距 …
PW01蓝牙模块是主从机一体,串口数据透传,超低功耗的蓝牙透传模块。 本模块基于蓝牙4.0协议标准,采用美国德州仪器TI CC2541芯片作为核心处理器。 本模块软件方面的优势是采用主从一体设计,AT指令修改模块名称,主从模式,发射功率,配对密码,扫描连接指定从机等,主机还可远程遥控从机管脚输出高低电平,ADC采样,测距等,厂家对批量用户提供APP源代码,非常便于客户根据需要开发出自己的产品。 本模块硬件方面的优势是具有功耗超低、体积小、传输距离 …
MJF Cordless Pressure Washer, 680PSI Portable Pressure Washer, …
THE BEST PRESSURE WASHER: The MJF Cordless pressure washer provides a robust 680PSI motor that can spray up to 215L/H, making it an excellent choice for effectively and efficiently cleaning all of your outdoor spaces and equipment. This truly portable power washer allows you to complete your cleaning tasks with ease and convenience.
PW01超薄雙模無線藍芽鍵盤-波軍POJUN - pojunshop.com
POJUN辦公無線鍵盤,重量輕巧方便攜帶,剪刀腳結構打字聲極靜,鍵盤設有18組多媒體按鍵並支援4種系統,無論是電腦、筆電、平板,此款PW01雙模無線藍芽鍵盤皆可使用。 另有推出W01無線滑鼠,可加購商品,擁有整組無線鍵盤滑鼠組。
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