PWA Pre Ban Commando, What's this Brands quality and company …
2005年5月24日 · Back in the 80's PWA, SGW (Olympic Arms), Sendra (Part of the Drasen - Nesard operation), and Essential arms were about the only receivers you could buy. DPMS …
Picked up a PWA AR today, low serial number. Anyone know
2007年12月23日 · You are totally incorrect. PWA stood for Pac West Arms. The only commonality between PWA and Oly is that they were both located in Olympia, WA. PWA ceased doing …
Complete Pre-Ban PWA Commando Rifle Value - AR15.COM
2024年4月13日 · It’s a complete pre-ban PWA Commando with “P” and “M” marked A1 upper with what looks like an original 10.5 barrel with a 5.5 moderator. Overall, it’s in good condition for …
PWA Commando for $499...should I buy it? - AR15.COM
2011年5月26日 · The old pre-ban weapons with cast receivers are not the same fairly uniform high quality as modern forged and CNC machined receivers. In the case of AR receivers, …
PWA preban serial number - AR15.COM
2008年3月28日 · PWA (360) 438-3983 35222 and Below - Pre-Ban (Note:Some lowers are cast not forged. Out of business) Post-ban have a year prefix in the serial number.
What does PWA stand for? - AR15.COM
AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry About AR15.COM AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm …
PWA Commando - AR15.COM
2018年4月25日 · So, I just sold a PWA Commando lower and may have let it go too cheap. Local gun board folks seemed to be foaming at the mouth about it. I replaced the lower on an LMT …
PWA Commando lower-what do I have? - AR15.COM
2024年11月5日 · AR-15 AK-47 Handgun Precision Rifles Armory Training Competitive Shooting General Outdoors Archery Hometown Industry About AR15.COM AR15.COM is the world's …
lower stamped PWA help please - AR15.COM
2003年3月17日 · I've had my AR-15 for awhile now, but have yet to find good info on the lower. It is stamped "PWA Milan, IL. Cal. 5.56 MM Commando" and the serial number. I'm more than …
PWA Commando - AR15.COM
2013年2月27日 · PWA is a very good lower and based on the s/n you gave, it is a preban. PWA were only lowers and were never shipped as complete rifles, the upper on that rifle is not …