PXIe-4082 - NI - National Instruments
The PXIe‑4082 is a high-performance 6½‑digit, 300 V DMM that provides the measurement capabilities found in two common test instruments: a high-resolution DMM and a digitizer. As a …
PXI-4065 - NI - National Instruments
The PXI‑4065 is a 6½‑digit, 300 V DMM, which makes AC/DC voltage, AC/DC current, and 2‑ or 4‑wire resistance measurements, as well as diode tests. It is ideally suited for OEMs, …
M918xA Series 6.5-Digit PXI Digital Multimeters - Keysight
The Keysight M918xA Series (M9181A, M9182A, M9183A) compact digital multimeters (DMM) provide popular measurement functions such as DCV, ACV, DCI, ACI, 2- and 4-wire …
PXI Digital Multimeters DMM - Keysight
Keysight PXI digital multimeters (DMM) provide high-performance measurement throughput with the lowest latency while delivering consistent measurement accuracy and stability. PXI and …
PXIe Digital Multimeter - Keysight
The Keysight M1412A PXIe Digital Multimeter (DMM) is a versatile and accurate measurement tool, designed for seamless integration with existing E1412A programs. It excels in measuring …
如何使用软件来触发和同步PXI(e) 数字万用表(DMM)卡? - NI
第一张dmm卡将用作主卡,将触发信号发送至pxi(e)机箱背板。可以通过软件信号触发主卡,成功启动主卡后,即可触发其余的dmm卡。 下面是实现此功能的一些示例代码: 该图像是labview …
PXIe-4080 - NI - National Instruments
The PXIe‑4080 is a high-performance 6½‑digit, 300 V DMM that provides the measurement capabilities found in two common test instruments: a high-resolution DMM and a digitizer. As a …
同步 PXI 数字万用表 - NI
2023年12月19日 · 我无法同步两个(或多个)PXI-4070 / 4071/4072/4065数字万用表(DMM)。 您对此有什么建议吗? 有一个 范例程序 显示了如何配置两个 PXI-407x 模块,使其在接收到 …
M918XA 系列六位半 PXI 数字万用表 | 是德科技 - Keysight
Keysight M918xA 系列(M9181A、M9182A、M9183A)紧凑型数字万用表(DMM)不仅提供了常用的测量功能(DCV、ACV、DCI、ACI、2 线和 4 线电阻等),还具有六位半 PXI 数字万 …
PXI Express DMM为更精确、更智能的测试系统奠定基础 - NI
pxi平台还提供了独立式台式dmm所不具备的仪器,包括smu、电源、示波器、波形发生器和射频信号分析仪与发生器。 NI DMM专门针对自动化测试应用而设计,具有比传统DMM更出色的测 …