pyp · PyPI
Dec 23, 2022 · pyp. The Pyed Piper: Python Power At the Prompt. This is the original pyp developed at Sony Pictures Imageworks that effectively replaces awk, sed, and other legacy command line tools with intuitive python syntax. Please check out all of our Documentation
PyPI · The Python Package Index
The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the Python programming language. PyPI helps you find and install software developed and shared by the Python community.
PyPI Docs
Welcome to PyPI User Documentation. PyPI is the official repository of packages for Python. This user documentation is aimed at users who use the PyPI website.
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The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a repository of software for the Python programming language.
opencv-python · PyPI
Jan 16, 2025 · Wrapper package for OpenCV python bindings. Keep OpenCV Free. OpenCV is raising funds to keep the library free for everyone, and we need the support of the entire community to do it.
fastapi - PyPI
Mar 1, 2025 · FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework for building APIs with Python based on standard Python type hints. The key features are:
pandas · PyPI
What is it? pandas is a Python package that provides fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with "relational" or "labeled" data both easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real world data analysis in Python. Additionally, it has the broader goal of becoming the most powerful and flexible open source …
scikit-learn · PyPI
Sep 21, 2011 · Scikit-learn 0.20 was the last version to support Python 2.7 and Python 3.4. scikit-learn 1.0 and later require Python 3.7 or newer. scikit-learn 1.1 and later require Python 3.8 or newer. Scikit-learn plotting capabilities (i.e., functions start with plot_ and classes end with Display) require Matplotlib (>= 3.3.4).For running the examples Matplotlib >= 3.3.4 is required.
pyinstaller · PyPI
Feb 8, 2025 · Meta. License: GNU General Public License v2 (GPLv2) (GPLv2-or-later with a special exception which allows to use PyInstaller to build and distribute non-...) Author: Hartmut Goebel, Giovanni Bajo, David Vierra, David Cortesi, Martin Zibricky Tags packaging, app, apps, bundle, convert, standalone, executable, pyinstaller, cxfreeze, freeze, py2exe, py2app, bbfreeze
pyttsx3 - PyPI
Jun 25, 2017 · pyttsx3 is a text-to-speech conversion library in Python. Unlike alternative libraries, it works offline, and is compatible with both Python 2 and 3. Installation pip install pyttsx3 > If you get installation errors , make sure you first upgrade your wheel version using : pip install –upgrade wheel Linux installation requirements :