piper PA14 - Backcountry Pilot
2007年3月14日 · With bad knees, I heard that it is a lot easier to get into a PA 12 or a PA 14 than a PA 18. Ss long as you are not doing hard core the 12 and the 14 are just fine.
piper PA14 - Page 2 of 2 - Backcountry Pilot
2007年1月24日 · I've read more than once that the angle of incidence is the only significant difference that is responsible for the small performance gap between the PA-14 and PA-18. Same wing, tail, etc.other than the wider fuselage and whatever empty weight difference.
PA-12 Type Certificate Data Sheet - Backcountry Pilot
2008年11月16日 · Good Day All,This might be a silly question...but i was looking on the FAA site for the Type Certificate Data Sheet for the PA-12 Super Crusier. I am in the market for one.
Anybody know about the Wag-Aero Sportsman 2+2 - Backcountry …
2006年3月6日 · From the link I posted I think AOI is the key here. The correct wing washout of the Piper PA-18 model series and PA-19 airplanes is 2 1/2 degrees, the same as that of the Piper PA-12, PA-12S, and PA-14 airplanes. The PA-18 model series and PA-19 airplanes, however, have a wing angle of incidence of +1.843 degrees at the wing root (inboard end; i.e., the centerlines of the wing butt hinge bolts ...
Ski flying - Backcountry Pilot
Intro to Ski Flying Part 1: Operating aircraft on skis and negotiating a snow-covered landscape is an entirely unique skillset and environment.
Tail wheel, 2 People + Dog. What is that plane?
2010年12月2日 · Sir, Didn't you get a RANS S-7? On your search for the 2 people and a dog, I'm thinking you're going to have to go with a 4-place. PA-14 would fit your criteria. A friend has one that he says he will sell me when his flying days are over. He's 77 and is more limber than I, so I don't see it getting into my hangar anytime soon.
Anybody know about the Wag-Aero Sportsman 2+2
2012年4月21日 · The Cubby is a J3 or PA11 knockoff, the Sportsman 2+2 is a PA-14 Family Cruiser knockoff. Different animals.
PA-18A-150 Super Cub: Ugly Betty's $15K upgrade - Backcountry …
2013年9月23日 · The Piper PA-18 has long been the standard for light STOL performance, but the new age of lightweight 180hp Cubs like the CubCrafters Carbon Cub are escalating performance expectations. Patrick Romano wanted to find out how much performance could be squeezed out of a stock 150hp Super Cub without dropping money on an engine upgrade.
PA-18/150 weight - Backcountry Pilot
2005年1月27日 · PA-18-150, Airframes Inc. fuselage, dakota wings, kydex interior, ti firewall, other light weight bits - 1090 Just a few to show that it can vary quite a bit depending on model and what has been done to them.
PA-12 vs 18 - Backcountry Pilot
2007年9月21日 · The PA-12 has way more cargo room than the PA-18 (both w/ extended baggage). If you decide on the PA-18, a cargo belly pod would greatly increase the cargo room. For cost, depending on the level of modifications to the plane and time on the engine, condition, etc., the PA-12 will likely be cheaper.