EMS-Grivory Grivory® LV-23H PA12-GF23 Category : Polymer , Thermoplastic , Nylon , Nylon 12 , Nylon 12, 20% Glass Fiber Filled Material Notes: Product description: Grilamid LV-23H is a …
2001-2005 honda civic service port injector pulsation line pa12-gf23 ...
2024年12月18日 · “pre-owned tested original vehicle manufacturer equipment.” An item that has been used previously. The item may have some signs of cosmetic wear, but is fully operational …
PA12-GF23 LV-23 X ESD物性表_瑞士EMS Grilamid塑料_-承扬新材料
EMS-Grivory Grivory® LV-23H PA12-GF23 - lookpolymers.com
Product description: Grilamid LV-23H is a 23% glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 12 injection molding grade with the following product profile.
EMS-Grivory Grilamid® LV-23H PA12-GF23 - MatWeb
PA12-GF23, Product description: Grilamid LV-23H is a 23% glass fiber reinforced, heat stabilized polyamide 12 injection molding grade with the following product profile. Good chemical …
PA12-GF23 Datasheet - EMS-GRIVORY America - Datasheet …
Grilamid LV-23H | PA12-GF23 Grilamid® Polyamide Grilamid LV-23H | PA12-GF23 Characteristics Processing Injection Molding Delivery form Granules Special Characteristics …
PA12-GF23 LV-23 X ESD 聚酰胺12 - 盖德化工网
2025年3月8日 · Grilamid PA 12 是一种基于十二内酰胺的高性能热塑性材料,经验证可用于众多高品质应用,并且已拥有 40 多年的应用经验。这些应用包括精密注塑成型(例如电子应用中的)、 …
PA12-GF23 EMS-GRIVORY | a unit of EMS-CHEMIE AG Deionized water (90°C) Phenol solution (5% by mass) (23°C) Created: 2017-08-11 Source: www.materialdatacenter.com Page: 4/4 …
EMS-Grivory Grivory® LV-23 X ESD PA12-GF23 Category : Polymer , Thermoplastic , Nylon , Nylon 12 , Nylon 12, 20% Glass Fiber Filled Material Notes: Product description: Grilamid LV …
尼龙PA12 GF-SLS | 择幂科技 (Xometry)
尼龙PA12-GF是一种浅灰色的,玻璃珠填充的聚酰胺12 粉末,其特征在于优异的刚性与良好断裂伸长率组合。 该材料耐高温、尺寸稳定性好、韧性好、绝缘性好、抗腐蚀性好、机械强度高 …