PAmCherry1 :: Fluorescent Protein Database
PAmCherry1 is a photoactivatable red fluorescent protein published in 2009, derived from Discosoma sp.. It is reported to be a rapidly-maturing monomer with high acid sensitivity.
Photoactivatable mCherry for high-resolution two-color ... - Nature
2009年1月25日 · Here we report several irreversibly photoactivatable derivatives of mCherry 17, named PAmCherry proteins, with excellent photoactivation contrast over background, advanced photostability and high...
Photoactivation mechanism of PAmCherry based on crystal ... - PNAS
2009年12月15日 · Photoactivatable fluorescent proteins (PAFPs) are required for super-resolution imaging of live cells. Recently, the first red PAFP, PAmCherry1, was reported, which …
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Takara (公司 推出光激活荧光蛋白 PAmCherry 蛋白的动力学,如蛋白移位和降解等。 过光激活荧光蛋白,您还可以实时观察 察到的正是激活时蛋白分子的快照。
PAmCherry1-C1-P4C - Addgene
Plasmid PAmCherry1-C1-P4C from Dr. Gerry Hammond's lab contains the insert PAmCherry1: L. pneumophila SidC (608-773) and is published in J Cell Biol. 2023 Feb 6;222 (2):e202204099. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202204099. Epub 2022 Nov 23. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
背景更低的红色荧光蛋白—mCherry - 知乎
红色荧光蛋白变种mCherry是一种目前被广泛用于生物技术作为示踪剂的红色 荧光染料,包括分子的标记和细胞组分的定位等。 mCherry因为其颜色和单体分子的 光稳定性,细胞毒性低。 比其它荧光蛋白标签更优异,其最大激发光和发射光分别为587nm和610nm。 从结构上看突变体mcherry能够具有如此强的竞争力有2个原因。 1,mcherry中的第163位Lys已经突变成了Gln,这个突变的氨基酸所在的侧链位于发色团苯环下方,在结构中能够清楚的看到163位的Lys与发色 …
基于蛋白质在黑暗和荧光状态下的晶体结构的 PAmCherry 光活化 …
最近,报道了第一个红色 PAFP,PAmCherry1,它通过提供红色超分辨率颜色来补充可光激活的 GFP。 PAmCherry1 最初是“暗色”,但在紫外-紫光照射后呈现红色荧光。 为了定义 PAmCherry1 光活化的结构基础,我们分别在 1.50 A 和 1.65 A 下确定了其在暗和红色荧光状态下的晶体结构。 黑暗中发色团的非共面结构 PAmChery1 表明在环化 Met-66 的 Tyr-67 侧链中存在 N-酰基亚胺官能团和单个非氧化 C (alpha)-C (beta) 键-Tyr-67-Gly-68 三肽。 带有发色团的肽的 MS 数据表明 …
pSIN-PAmCherry-KFERQ-NE - Addgene
Plasmid pSIN-PAmCherry-KFERQ-NE from Dr. Shu Leong Ho's lab contains the inserts PA-mCherry and KFERQ peptide and is published in Autophagy. 2019 Apr 14:1-24. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2019.1603545. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
Photoactivatable mCherry fluorescent protein - Takara Bio
PAmCherry is a photoactivatable fluorescent protein (PAFP) mutant of mCherry. Use PAmCherry to track cells, organelles, or proteins of interest against a dark background.
Photoactivation mechanism of PAmCherry based on crystal …
2009年12月15日 · Photoactivatable fluorescent proteins (PAFPs) are required for super-resolution imaging of live cells. Recently, the first red PAFP, PAmCherry1, was reported, which complements the photo-activatable GFP by providing a red super-resolution color. PAmCherry1 is originally "dark" but exhibits red fluorescence after UV-violet light irradiation.