Pan Geng - Wikipedia
Pán Gēng (Chinese: 盤庚), personal name Zi Xun, was a Shang dynasty King of China. He is best known for having moved the capital of the Shang dynasty to its final location at Yīn. In the Records of the Grand Historian he was listed by Sima Qian as the nineteenth Shang king, succeeding his older brother Yang Jia.
盘庚(生卒年不详), 甲骨文 作般庚, 子姓,古本《竹书纪年》称他名旬 [1],商王 祖丁 之子, 阳甲 之弟,商朝第十九位国王。 [15] [16] 盘庚在其兄阳甲之后即位商朝国王。 曾由奄(今 山东 曲阜)迁都至殷(今河南安阳小屯),并在迁都后重新施行商汤时期的政治制度,百姓得以安居乐业,商朝也因此再度兴盛,诸侯重新前来朝贡。 自迁殷以后,商朝政治基本稳定,都城不再迁徙。 [15] [16] 盘庚在迁殷时对臣民的训诰之词,收在《尚书》里面,即《盘庚》三篇。 [15] 商朝自 …
The Tale Of King Pan Geng’s Forceful Move Of ... - The Historian's …
2022年6月21日 · Pan Geng was a king of the ancient Chinese Shang Dynasty whose reign was traditionally dated (but with a large margin of error) to between 1401 and 1374 BCE. During his reign, Pan Geng decided to move his realm’s seat of power from the then capital of Yan (approximately modern Qufu, Shandong) to a new location at Yin (around modern Anyang ...
尚書 : 商書 : 盤庚上 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃
盤庚五遷,將治亳殷,民咨胥怨。 作《盤庚》三篇。 盤庚遷于殷,民不適有居,率籲眾慼出,矢言曰:「我王來,既爰宅于茲,重我民,無盡劉。 不能胥匡以生,卜稽,曰其如台? 先王有 …
竹書紀年 : 盤庚 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃
盘庚电子全文,全文检索、相关于盘庚的讨论及参考资料。 有简体字版、繁体字版、英文版本。
Pan Geng’s move to Yin – HistoryTopic
2022年4月23日 · Pan Geng’s move to Yin was a historical event that took place in the middle and late Shang dynasty, when Pan Geng decided to move his capital to Yin (now Anyang, Henan Province), the site of the present-day Yin Market, in order to save himself from a political crisis.
Pan Geng 盤庚 - ChinaKnowledge.de
2011年12月9日 · Pan Geng 盤庚 (trad. r. 1401-1374 BCE, rather probably 100 years later) or Ban Geng 般庚, personal name Xun 旬, was a ruler of the Shang dynasty 商 (17th to 11th cent. BCE). He was a younger brother of his predecessor, King Yang Jia 陽甲.
Pan Geng
2012年6月18日 · Pán Gēng (Chinese: 盤庚), given name Xun (Chinese: 旬), was a shang dynasty King of China. He is best known for having moved the capital of the shang dynasty to Yīn. In the Records of the Grand Historian he was listed by Sima Qian as the nineteenth Shang king, succeeding his older brother Yang Jia (Chinese: 陽甲).
2024年11月18日 · Around 1300 BC, the Shang king Pan Geng moved the capital to Yin on the shore of Huan River, which then became the core of the political power of the Shang Dynasty. After 8 generations and 12 kings, a total of 273 years of glorious history, Yin ruins witnessed the rise and fall of the Shang dynasty.
Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)
2023年11月27日 · Pangeng, a prominent monarch of the middle Shang Dynasty, is renowned for his momentous decision to relocate the capital to Yin (present-day Anyang City, Henan Province), laying a solid foundation for the stability and development of the Shang Dynasty. Upon ascending to the throne, Pangeng faced numerous internal and external challenges.