Panzuriel - Forgotten Realms Wiki
Panzuriel was a vile, hateful deity who was greatly bitter and angered over his banishment from the Material plane. He especially hated sea elves, most particularly Deep Sashelas. Despite his anger, however, he was calculating in his planning. [1]
Panzuriel - Great Library of Greyhawk
Panzuriel is a deity of Murder, Confusion, Subversion, and evil creatures of the sea. His symbol is a left footprint, a kraken's head, or a squid eye surrounded by nine tentacles. Panzuirel manifests as a hunchbacked old humanoid figure with gills and …
Panzuriel | Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki | Fandom
In many campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Panzuriel is a deity of murder, confusion, subversion, and evil creatures of the sea. His symbol is a left footprint, a kraken's head, or a squid eye surrounded by nine tentacles.
潘祖瑞尔Panzuriel | 龙与地下城 Wiki | Fandom
Panzuriel is a hateful figure, a creeping and slithering creature of evil part-banished from the Prime Material and likewise constrained in a fetid, stinking, briny pool in Hades.
Panzuriel (MoMy) | Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2nd Edition …
Panzuriel is a hateful figure, a creeping and slithering creature of evil part-banished from the Prime Material and likewise constrained in a fetid, stinking, briny pool in Hades. Deep Sashelas and (varied) greater gods tried to banish Panzuriel's evil from corrupting the …
DnDWiki:Panzuriel | Dungeons and Dragons Wiki | Fandom
In many campaign settings, Panzuriel is a deity of murder, confusion, and subversion. Panzuriel is most commonly worshipped by evil aquatic races, such as koalinths , krakens , merrows , sahuagin , scrags , and vodyanoi .
Panzuriel Organization in Greyhawk - World Anvil
Panzuriel is a deity of Murder, Confusion, Subversion, and evil creatures of the sea. His symbol is a left footprint, a kraken's head, or a squid eye surrounded by nine tentacles. Panzuirel manifests as a hunchbacked old humanoid figure with gills and …
海洋与天空诸神Gods of the Seas and Skies | 龙与地下城 Wiki
Completing the darker side of the pantheon is the vicious Panzuriel, who collects unto himself servants from a range of evil aquatic races—koalinths, merrow, some renegade sahuagin, and even (it is rumored) a few scrags.
Panzuriel Character in World of Greyhawk - World Anvil
2023年9月11日 · Panzuriel was a vile, hateful deity who was greatly bitter and angered over his banishment from the Material plane. He especially hated sea elves, most particularly Deep Sashelas. Despite his anger, however, he was calculating in his planning.
Panzuriel | Jackson's Homebrew D20 Wiki | Fandom
Description: Panzuriel appears as a hideous elderly male with green scaled skin, gills, and a large squidlike tentacle in place of his left arm. His long hair is stringy and greyed tangled with seaweed. In combat he has been seen swinging his staff with one hand while strangling the life out of an enemy with his tentacle.