PAQ-4C any good? - AR15.COM
2020年11月3日 · If the PAQ-4 had gotten the top mounted fire button like the peq2, it would be a lot more suitable. Nowadays it's pretty much just for the clone guys. One interesting thing of note, the battery cap, the adjuster "bumpers" and the actual adjustment mechanism components can all be used as replacement/repair parts on a PEQ-2
An/PAQ-4C - AR15.COM
2019年8月24日 · I bought a box of miscellaneous items from a military surplus store. I found a AN/PAQ-4C inside the box. Also came across a 4 position stock with an N1 buttstock along with several other items. Due to the fact this laser can only be seen with night vision I really have no use for this item. Is there a market for these? Am I even allowed to sell it?
Airsoft vs real PAQ4 photo - AR15.COM
2006年2月18日 · The Infrared Aiming Light is intended for employment with all Marine Corps units equipped with night vision goggles. It is versatile and adaptable to a wide variety of missions throughout the Marine Corps. The AN/PAQ-4C is an improved version of the AN/PAQ-4A that will overcome some of the recognized deficiencies in the AN/PAQ-4A.
PAQ4 vs PEQ4? - AR15.COM
2010年6月7日 · I think a good bit of the confusion that's come around is the fact that while many troops consider the AN/PAQ-4C and AN/PEQ-2A to be functionally identical (nevermind that they're not... but I digress), and I've seen, even in official documents such things as: "PEK 4" and "PAQ-2" and more abortions of the proper designation, none of which is ...
PAQ-4: Still worth anything? - AR15.COM
2014年2月19日 · Class I OTAL is the 21st century version of the PAQ-4C, with smaller size, more rugged housing, better mount, and half the price that you mention....brand spanking new with warranty. Having used both, the OTAL is far superior. Besides that, LDI is much more consumer friendly than Insight.
What's a good price for an unissued AN/PAQ-4C? - AR15.COM
2019年9月29日 · A guy offered me an unissued AN/PAQ-4C for 550. It's a complete kit still in the case with all the accessories. Also, what is the demand for that kind of thing? Most of the clones I see have the newer PEQ2s on them. Are there any cool clone projects for that particular laser?
2011年2月9日 · Firearm Discussion and Resources from AR-15, AK-47, Handguns and more! Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear.
INfrared Aiming light AN/PAQ-4C - AR15.COM
2014年5月14日 · This is the 21st century version of the 4C: Class I OTAL Same 0.7 mW power, smaller, more rugged housing, QD, warranty, and no worries about legal issues. 4C's really just aren't worth very much these days.
How to tell if a PAQ-4c is real or not? - AR15.COM
2006年1月14日 · I have used plenty of PAQ-4C and PEQ-2s, but never actuly handled the clones. One thing I did notice is that the plug for the remote switch (that kinda tape switch deal) is diffrent in the pics I have seen of the fakes and the real ones. On the fakes it looks like a walkman headset plug (3.5mm audio jack?).
PEQ-2a or NVEC VITAL? Which is better? - AR15.COM
2007年1月27日 · 2). The PAQ-4C unit has a fixed beam of IR light while the Vital has (as outlined above has a var. intense beam). As with the Atilla, the Vital also has a selectable switch that has different beam blinking modes. It also has a built in IR iluminator for CQB work as well. 3).