Moonflower - d20PFSRD
As a standard action, a moonflower can release a pulse of bright light. All creatures within a 50-foot burst that can see the moonflower must make a DC 20 Fortitude save or be blinded for …
Moonflower - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder 2nd …
Moonflowers are alien life-forms from a long-dead planet, but their proliferation throughout the galaxy has been ensured through the machinations of the Dominion of the Black, a sinister, …
Moonflower - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG …
A fully grown moonflower easily stands 20 feet tall, its massive trunk frequently 4 feet or more in diameter. The roots extend away from the base and into the soil, making the plant seem well …
Moonflower - PathfinderWiki
A moonflower resembles a huge, vine-like tendril covered in alien flowers and strange, light-exuding nodules. Atop this central vine is a clam-like, bulbous growth which functions as the …
Moonflower | Pathfinder Wiki - Fandom
Moonflowers are carnivorous plants with rudimentary intelligence from beyond the sphere of Golarion. Flesh-hungry and dangerous, these foul plants pose a danger to anyone who comes …
Mythic Moonflower - d20PFSRD
A mythic moonflower can spend one use of mythic power as a standard action to force a pod prison containing a deceased creature to sprout prematurely. The pod transforms into a …
Moonflower - Gatewalkers (#pathfinder2e Actual Play) Book 2
2024年10月29日 · In our fifteenth session for the second book of Gatewalkers, our heroes face down against the Moonflower hidden beneath Valmar's Burrow. The plant won't go down …
Moonflower – PF2 SRD - d20PFSRD
Moonflowers are alien life-forms from a long-dead planet, but their proliferation throughout the galaxy has been ensured through the machinations of a sinister, alien organization from the …
Moonflower - legacy.aonprd.com
The newly formed moonflower has its own consciousness, but some aspect of its trunk or blossoms resembles the creature that died within. The dead creature's equipment remains …
Moonflower - pathfinder.d20srd.org
Moonflower. A twisted trunk clustered with bulbous blossoms holds up a gaping mouth ready to swallow a victim whole. Moonflower CR 8. XP 4,800. N Huge plant. Init +4; Senses darkvision …
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