Pave Penny - Wikipedia
The Lockheed Martin AN/AAS-35(V) Pave Penny is a laser spot tracker carried by US Air Force attack aircraft and fighter-bombers to enable them to track a laser spot on the ground. It is a receiver only, allowing the pilot to see which targets marked by a laser designator. Pave Penny does not produce a laser beam and cannot be used to designate ...
宝石路激光制导炸弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
宝石路 (英語: Paveway)是一系列 雷射導引炸彈。 在英文中的 PAVE有时用作 “精密航空电子矢量设备”(Precision Avionics Vectoring Equipment)的缩写;这种设备是用于控制 航空器 速度和方向的电子装置。 在这其中激光制导(laser guidance)是PAVE的一种方式。
A10攻击机机头右侧突出的那个东西是干什么用的? - 知乎
洛克希德·马丁公司的AN / AAS-35(V)Pave Penny是美国空军攻击机和战斗轰炸机携带的激光点跟踪器,能够跟踪地面上的激光点(它本身不产生激光束,因此,如果没有额外的硬件,飞机无法发射和引导激光制导炸弹对地面目标。 PAVE后来被用作精确航空电子设备矢量设备的首字母缩写。
PAVE PENNY - Smart Weapons
1998年2月19日 · Pave Penny is a passive laser tracker which uses reflected laser energy to give the pilot precise target location. It uses a cockpit-selectable four-digit code and can use either a ground or airborne designator.
Pave Penny - YouTube
2015年12月10日 · The Lockheed Martin AN/AAS-35 (V) Pave Penny is a laser spot tracker carried by US Air Force attack aircraft and fighter-bombers to enable them to track a laser spot on the ground. PAVE was...
机载瞄准吊舱 - 百度百科
AN/AAS-35(V)宝石便士(Pave penny)激光跟踪器是美国军用机使用的第一个瞄准吊舱。 它是把一次性使用的激光制导武器导引头(四象限寻的器)改装成吊舱的,飞机外挂后,可以多次重复使用。
铺平一分钱 - 华文百科
洛克希德·马丁(Lockheed Martin) AN/AAS-35(V)Pave Penny是美国空军攻击飞机和战斗机携带的激光斑点追踪器,使他们能够跟踪地面上的激光位置。 它仅是接收器,允许飞行员查看哪些目标可能会受到其携带的任何激光引导的炸弹的攻击。
Avionics and Instrument Flight helps resurrect targeting devices
2008年4月11日 · The Pave Penny pod, a targeting device used on an A-10 Thunderbolt II, allows troops on the ground to illuminate targets for A-10 pilots to eliminate. The technology used in the pod is from the '70s, but remains important to the war effort because of its ability to put the troops on the ground in charge of target selection.
Pave Penny - Academic Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
The Lockheed Martin AN/AAS 35V Pave Penny is a laser spot tracker carried by US Air Force attack aircraft and fighter bombers to enable them to track a laser spot on the ground (It does not produce a laser itself so the aircraft can not launch…
A-10 Thunderbolt II > 10th Air Force > Display
Pave Penney has now been discontinued in favor more capable advanced targeting pods. The A-10 began receiving an inertial navigation system in 1980. Later, the Low-Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement (LASTE) upgrade provided computerized weapon-aiming equipment, an autopilot, and a ground-collision warning system.