Pave Spike - Wikipedia
The Westinghouse AN/ASQ-153\AN/AVQ-23 Pave Spike is an electro-optical laser designator targeting pod used to direct laser-guided bombs (LGBs) to target in daylight, visual conditions. It contained a laser boresighted to a television camera, which displayed its …
AN/AVQ-23 Pave Spike - National Museum of the USAF
Pave Spike is a 420-pound electro-optical laser designator pod used to direct laser-guided bombs to target in day, visual conditions. The second generation Pave Spike was developed from the AN/AVQ-10 Pave Knife targeting pod that first saw operational use in Southeast Asia.
宝石路激光制导炸弹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
宝石路 (英語: Paveway)是一系列 雷射導引炸彈。 在英文中的 PAVE有时用作 “精密航空电子矢量设备”(Precision Avionics Vectoring Equipment)的缩写;这种设备是用于控制 航空器 速度和方向的电子装置。 在这其中激光制导(laser guidance)是PAVE的一种方式。
铺路钉 - 华文百科
AN/ASQ-153 PAVE SPIKE. Westinghouse AN/ASQ-153 \ AN/AVQ-23 PAVE SPIKE是一种电流激光指定器 ,用于将激光引导的炸弹用于白天,视觉条件。它包含一个对电视相机的激光射击,该摄像头在驾驶舱屏幕上显示其图像。
DCS: F-4E Phantom: Pave Spike + Laser guided bombs Tutorial
2024年5月19日 · A Comprehensive guide to operating the Pave Spike Targeting Pod: From setup to controls and Laser guided bomb employment with GBU-12s. The most rudimentary pod in DCS to date, and most hands on....
从“龙之颚”到“宝石路”,揭秘激光制导炸弹的诞生 - 哔哩哔哩
2017年3月22日 · 一款名为“铺路刀”(Pave Knife)的激光指示吊舱被研发出来并挂在了F-4战斗机的翼下,而且开始在激光指示方面逐步替代“Zot”设备。 “铺路刀”吊舱安装在一个万向节上并可以自由旋转,从而能够在飞机自由机动飞行的同时保持激光束始终照射在目标上。
Pave Spike - Heatblur F-4E Phantom II
Pave Spike. The AN/AVQ-23 Pave Spike targeting pod is the successor of the AN/AVQ-10 Pave Knife and predecessor of the AN/AVQ-26 Pave Tack pod. It entered service in 1974 and was replaced from 1982 to 1989 by the Pave Tack pod.
DCS: F-4E 鬼怪: Pave Spike + 激光制导炸弹教程 - 哔哩哔哩
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZNtAqOZGgA&tPave Spike 瞄准吊舱操作综合指南:从设置到控制,以及使用 GBU-12 激光制导炸弹。 这是迄今为止 DCS 中最初级的吊舱,也是最容易上手的吊舱。
PAVE SPIKE - Smart Weapons - Federation of American Scientists
Pave Spike was an electro-optical target acquisition, laser designator, and weapon delivery system for the F-4D (EF-4D) and F-4E aircraft. It provided precision laser designation, ranging, and tracking of ground targets for attack with conventional ordnance or laser-guided weapons.
Pave Spike - Military Wiki | Fandom
The Westinghouse AN/ASQ-153\AN/AVQ-23 Pave Spike is an electro-optical laser designator pod used to direct laser-guided bombs to target in daylight, visual conditions. It contained a laser boresighted to a television camera, which displayed its image on a cockpit screen.