People's Army of Vietnam - Wikipedia
The People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN), officially the Vietnam People's Army (VPA; [11] Vietnamese: Quân đội nhân dân Việt Nam, pronounced [kwən˧˧ ʔɗoj˧˨ʔ ɲən˧˧ zən˧˧ viət̚˧˨ʔ …
越南人民军 - 华文百科
pavn是越南人民武装部队的一部分,包括:地面部队,海军,空军,边境警卫和海岸警卫队。越南没有单独的地面部队或陆军服役。所有地面部队,陆军,军事区和特种部队都属于国防部,直 …
Vietnam People's Armed Forces - Wikipedia
The Vietnam People's Armed Forces (Vietnamese: Lực lượng Vũ trang nhân dân Việt Nam (LLVTNDVN)) are the armed uniformed services and national security forces of the Socialist …
NLF and PAVN strategy, organization and structure - Wikipedia
During the Vietnam War, the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam (NLF), and the People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN), used a distinctive land warfare strategy to defeat their South …
Vietnam - People's Army of Vietnam - GlobalSecurity.org
2024年10月22日 · PAVN (People's Army of Vietnam) is the formal name given to all elements of the Vietnamese armed forces; hence the designation PAVN (or People's) Navy and PAVN (or …
重新理解30年越南战争 - 纽约时报中文网
2017年2月10日 · 在大多数美国人记忆中,它是一场开始于1965年、结束于1975年的战争,让想要阻止共产党向东南亚进军的美国军队深陷泥潭,与此同时深深割裂了美国社会。 法国人记得 …
越南軍用電子電信 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
越南軍用電子電信 (越南语: Tập đoàn Công ngiệp Viễn thông Quân đội / 集團工業遠通軍隊, 英語:Viettel Telecom),是一間位於 越南 的 電信公司。 提供越南國內之行動電話網路─ …
Vietnam - PAVN Organization - GlobalSecurity.org
Of all the military branches withing the PAVN, the army is the dominant service. Its status as the dominant branch is reflective of the historical and political role it played throughout...
Vietnam - PAVN Organization - GlobalSecurity.org
2014年9月19日 · Of all the military branches withing the PAVN, the army is the dominant service. Its status as the dominant branch is reflective of the historical and political role it played …
People's Army of Vietnam - Alchetron, the free social encyclopedia
2024年9月28日 · The People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN; Vietnamese: Quân Đội Nhân Dân Việt Nam), also known as the Vietnamese People's Army, is the military force of the Socialist …