What is the formula for lead (IV) sulfate? - Answers
2024年6月22日 · Lead has two oxidation states (+4 and +2). As a result, there are two compounds composed of lead and sulfate: lead(IV) sulfate, which is Pb(SO4)2, and lead(II) sulfate, which is PbSO4.
electrochemistry - Redox potential of a lead–acid battery
2018年1月17日 · I do understand the potential for the second $\pu{1.68 V}$ since for the second reaction the underlying redox pair is $\ce{Pb^4+ + 2 e- -> Pb^2+} $. For this redox pair the electrochemical standard potential is $\pu{1.69 V}$. But for the first reaction I think that the underlying redox pair has to be $\ce{Pb^2+ + 2 e- -> Pb}$.
Solubility of PbSO4 - Chemistry Stack Exchange
2019年5月15日 · $\begingroup$ AFAIK, lead sulphate forms in concentrated sulphuric acid soluble lead hydrogen sulphate, Pb(HSO4)2, what is supported by protonization of sulphate anion. Kind of calcium carbonate analogy. $\endgroup$
What is this ionic formula Pb SO4 2? - Answers
2024年6月2日 · It is composed of lead cations (Pb^2+) and sulfate anions (SO4^2-), which are held together by ionic bonds. What is the formula for lead (4) sulfate? Lead has two oxidation states (+4 and +2).
What is the name of the compound with the formula PbSO3?
2024年6月18日 · The chemical compound Pb(SO4)2 is also called lead(IV)sulfate. Tags Elements and Compounds Subjects. Animals ... What is 2 PbSO3? 2 PbSO3 represents two molecules of lead(II) sulfite, which is a ...
Is PbSo4 soluble? - Answers
2024年6月13日 · Lead(II) nitrate, Pb(NO3)2, is one of the few lead compounds that can dissolve in water. This answer is: ... It is a compound made up of one lead (Pb) ion and one sulfate (SO4) ion. Lead sulfate ...
Ionic charge of lead? - Answers
2024年10月31日 · The formula for the ionic compound formed between S^2- and Pb^4+ is PbS2, where lead (Pb) has a 4+ charge and sulfur (S) has a 2- charge. This results in the compound lead(IV) sulfide. Trending ...
electrochemistry - Cell notation for the lead-acid battery
What will be the cell notation for this battery? My attempt: $$\ce{Pb(s), Pb^2+(s)| HSO4^-(l)| PbO2(s), Pb^2+(s),Pb(s)}$$ The things that I have in mind, In both sides the electrode material is $\ce{Pb(s)}$ Separate every element that is in the same phase with a comma; Separate every element with different phases with a single bar
What is the name of PbSO42? - Answers
2024年11月7日 · The chemical name of PbSO4 is lead(II) sulfate. In this compound, lead has a +2 oxidation state, hence the Roman numeral II in parentheses. Sulfate is a polyatomic ion with a charge of -2, so one ...
Chemical formula of lead II sulfate? - Answers
2024年6月14日 · Lead has two oxidation states (+4 and +2). As a result, there are two compounds composed of lead and sulfate: lead(IV) sulfate, which is Pb(SO4)2, and lead(II) sulfate, which is PbSO4.