PCF 200, Tube PCF200; Röhre PCF 200 ID3455, Triode-Pentode ...
Tube PCF 200 or Röhre PCF200 ID3455, Triode-Pentode, Dekal, B10C and shown. Radio tubes are valves.
PCF200 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The PCF200 was designed for use in multiple stages of a television receiver. The thin glass tube envelope is 20 mm in diameter and, excluding the B10B base pins, is 46 mm tall. Reference: Data-sheet. Type PCF200 was first introduced in 1964. See also 1964 adverts.
PCF200 @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The PCF200 was designed for use in multiple stages of a television receiver. The expanded mesh screen covers both sections. In this image the triode is on the right and the grid can be seen through the hole in the screen.
PG1N's HAM Radio Site - Tubes - PCF200
The PCF200 was designed as a frequency changer. The triode section forms the local oscillator and the pentode is used as the mixer. For VHF and UHF the pentode made a better mixer than the hexode.
PCF200 /ECF200/ Triode-Pentode Macro Model Pentode DC Characteristics G1 Splash Current Output Characteristics Operating Characteristics 1. PCF200 Phase Splitter Circuit Triode DC Characteristics Gate Diode Splash Current 2. Triode AC Amplifier Triode Output Characteristics Zabb Csaba 3. 30.00m 20.00m 10.00m 0.00 0.00 O Via 5 100.00 4 IJa
- [PDF]
PCF200 - Tube Data
PCF200 page sheet date 1 1 1969.12 2 2 1969.12 3 3 1969.12 4 4 1969.12 5 5 1969.12 6 6 1969.12 7 7 1969.12 8 8 1969.12 9 FP 1999.08.01
PCF200 Teledyne LeCroy | Test and Measurement | DigiKey
PCF200 – Test Clip, Lead, Probe Calibration Unit for use with LeCroy Oscilloscopes from Teledyne LeCroy. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics.
PCF200 Teledyne LeCroy | 测试与计量 | DigiKey
来自 Teledyne LeCroy 的 PCF200 – 测试夹,引线,探针 校准单元 配用 LeCroy 示波器。 DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。
Title: PCF200 Author: Mazda Belvu Subject: SM-FP-2003-04-12 Created Date: 1/24/2000 2:02:55 PM
HCS/PCF200/230光纤首页 - mormine.cn
常用于通信光纤的规格是200/230um,通过不同的结构设计和包覆,满足各种环境下的应用需求。 PCF光纤衰减较低小于10dB/km,可传输长距离可见光信号,在850nm波长环境下可传输距离2km,在650nm波长环境下可传输距离500m。 其具有的抗电磁干扰、抗电磁辐射能力以及高带宽,传输距离远的特性,解决了工业现场总线POF塑料光纤传输距离短的问题。 大量应用于西门子的PROFIBUS总线网络中、菲尼克斯、ABB、三菱、赫斯曼等工业设备信息传输中. 默迈实业研 …