PCL-171 122 mm Truck Cannon (SPH) - GlobalSecurity.org
The CS-SH4 truck gun that failed the bid was also displayed at the air show, but until 2020 a video showed this truck gun equipped with troops, it is said that its number is PCL-171 truck gun....
中国装备志——PCL-171型122毫米车载榴弹炮 - 知乎专栏
2022年12月8日 · PCL-171型122毫米车载榴弹炮,为我国研制的一型崭新的车炮一体前向射击的车载炮,主要为解决轻型合成化部队的火力要求而配备的,先后在高原山地和丘陵地带的演习中亮相,整体紧凑结构完整,而且自动化信息化水平高,使用了大量的成熟卡车炮技术,经过设计改进的火炮精度较高。 主要装备我国陆军的高原地区 轻型合成旅,轻型合成旅是中国陆军军改后的 …
PCL-171 | Military Wiki | Fandom
The PCL-171 is an assault vehicle-mounted 122 mm self-propelled howitzer used by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Ground Force. [1] The PCL-171 made its first public appearance during a CCTV report of an exercise in December 2020. According to the report, it entered service in the second half of 2020. [citation needed]
NORINCO PCL-171 122mm Self-Propelled Howitzer Vehicle - Military Factory
2023年8月31日 · The PCL-171 is a 6x6 lightweight wheeled artillery-carrying vehicle serving the modern People's Liberation Army Ground Force (PLAGF) of China. The complete system mates the six-wheeled Dongfeng Mengshi CTL181A all-terrain truck chassis with a 122mm light howitzer component to produce a mobile, indirect-fire battlefield solution.
PCL-171 SPH in service with PLAGF's 75th Group Army - Janes
2021年5月14日 · Chinese state-owned media has revealed that the People’s Liberation Army Ground Force’s (PLAGF’s) 75th Group Army is now operating the new lightweight 122 mm self-propelled howitzer (SPH)...
Chinese People's Liberation Army Inducts New PCL-171 Self …
2022年9月6日 · Chinese state-owned media has revealed that the People’s Liberation Army Ground Force’s (PLAGF’s) 72nd Group Army is now operating the new PCL-171 self-propelled howitzer (SPH). The PCL-171 is an assault vehicle-mounted 122 mm self-propelled howitzer used by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Ground Force.
PCL-171 - Guide to Military Equipment and Civil Aviation
The PCL-171 is a lightweight 122mm 6x6 self-propelled howitzers intended to hit targets located at distances of up to 22 kilometers, or 40 kilometers using extended range shells. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) introduced the new weapon system around the year 2021.
快反利刃——中国PCL-171式122mm车载榴弹炮 - 知乎
PCL-171式122mm车载榴弹炮具有优秀的火力、机动、防护和信息化性能。 该车载榴弹炮前部为驾驶舱和载员舱,中部左右两边为弹药和发射药筒架,后方为车载榴弹炮。 东风猛士CTL-181A型6X6防护型运输车,长6.54米、宽2.38米、高2.125米、最小转弯半径9.5米,重10.5吨,最大装载质量3.65吨,最大牵引质量2吨。 主要用于火炮、反坦克导弹、防空导弹、突击桥等装备的改 …
采用猛士底盘的122毫米车载炮——PCL-171 - 知乎
PCL-171其实很早就立项了,2018年国家博物馆举行的《伟大的变革————庆祝改革开放40周年大型展览》中,"走进国防和军队建设专题展区”就展示了新一代陆地作战装备的模型组,其中就有“猛士122 毫米榴弹炮”的模型。 该型车载炮由南理工负责研制,也就是我军新列装的PCL-181式155毫米车载炮的研制单位。 为缩短研制周期,研制单位. 2020年,中印两国发生了军事对峙 …
我军新利器——PCL-171型122毫米车载榴弹炮 - 搜狐
2024年3月18日 · 轻型高机动合成旅的反应速度比中型/重型部队更快,特别是在高海拔地区有更好的机动性能,能够快速应对突发情况;而且其大部分装备也可以空运,具备很强的战略机动能力。 为了增强轻型旅的火力打击能力,我国以东风“猛士”长轴版为基础研发成功PCL-171 型122毫米自行榴弹炮。 其设计比PCL-161车载炮更为紧凑,将成为轻型旅支援火力体系的中坚力量。 发 …
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