PCM1804 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
The PCM1804 is a high-performance, single-chip stereo A/D converter with fully differential analog voltage input. The PCM1804 uses a precision delta-sigma modulator and includes a linear phase antialias digital filter and high-pass filter (HPF) that removes dc offset from the input signal.
PCM1804 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The PCM1804 is a high-performance, single-chip stereo A/D converter with fully differential analog voltage input. The PCM1804 uses a precision delta-sigma modulator and includes a linear phase antialias digital filter and high-pass filter (HPF) that removes dc offset from the input signal.
The PCM1804 uses a precision • Fully Differential Analog Input: ±2.5 V delta-sigma modulator and includes a linear phase • Audio Interface: Master- or Slave-Mode antialias digital filter and high-pass filter (HPF) that
PCM1804DBR_TI (德州仪器)_PCM1804DBR中文资料_PDF手册_价 …
PCM1804-Q1 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
The PCM1804-Q1 device is a high-performance, single-chip stereo A/D converter with fully differential analog voltage input which uses a precision delta-sigma modulator and includes a linear-phase antialias digital filter and high-pass filter …
德州仪器 PCM1804 立体声模数转换器 - TI | Mouser - 贸泽
德州仪器 pcm1804 立体声模数转换器是一款高性能、单芯片立体声模数转换器,带有全差分模拟电压输入。 PCM1804 采用了一个精密的 Δ-Σ 调制器,并包含一个线性相位抗锯齿数字滤波器和高通滤波器(HPF),可将直流偏置从输入信号中去除。
PCM1804 | 购买 TI 器件 - 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The PCM1804 is a high-performance, single-chip stereo A/D converter with fully differential analog voltage input. The PCM1804 uses a precision delta-sigma modulator and includes a linear phase antialias digital filter and high-pass filter (HPF) that removes dc offset from the input signal.
PCM1804 - TI公司具有差动输入的 112dB SNR 立体声 ADC
The PCM1804 is a high-performance, single-chip stereo A/D converter with fully differential analog voltage input. The PCM1804 uses a precision delta-sigma modulator and includes a linear phase antialias digital filter and high-pass filter (HPF) that removes dc offset from the input signal.
音频小白,咨询下PCM1804音频输入和输出问题 - 音频论坛 - 音频 …
2016年9月20日 · 问题:用pcm1804做音频转换,最终输出声音很难听. 使用环境:用科大讯飞的tts芯片xfs5152ce输出模拟音频到pcm1804,(tts输出是搭载在1.5v直流上的音频信号,输出引脚串联1uf电容直连到pcm1804左声道正负引脚),pcm1804输出pcm音频直连到华为全网通模块me909s-821mini。
PCM1804 by Texas Instruments Datasheet | DigiKey - Digi-Key …
The PCM1804 is a high-performance, single-chip – Pass-Band Ripple: ± 0.005 dB stereo A/D converter with fully differential analog – Stop-Band Attenuation: – 100 dB voltage input.
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