pUC19 Sequence and Map - SnapGene
Standard E. coli vector with a multiple cloning site (MCS) for DNA cloning. The MCS is reversed in pUC18. Explore Over 2.7k Plasmids: Basic Cloning Vectors | More Plasmid Sets. Sticky ends …
pUC19 Vector - NEB
pUC19 is a commonly used cloning vector that conveys the Amp resistance. The molecule is a small double-stranded circle, 2686 base pairs in length, and has a high copy number. pUC19 carries a 54 base-pair multiple cloning site polylinker that contains unique sites for 13 different hexanucleotide-specific restriction endonucleases (1).
pUC19 - Wikipedia
pUC19 is one of a series of plasmid cloning vectors designed by Joachim Messing and co-workers. [1] . The designation "pUC" is derived from the classical "p" prefix (denoting "plasmid") and the abbreviation for the University of California, where early work on the plasmid series had been conducted. [2] .
pUC19 载体图谱和序列 - 纽普生物
我们所展示的质粒图谱主要是从文献和开放数据库中收集而来,主要是为了方便研究工作,其中一小部分质粒进行了质量控制,可供科学家使用。 所有的产品都严格仅供科学研究使用,不能 …
pUC19 - Addgene
Plasmid pUC19 from Dr. Joachim Messing's lab is published in Gene. 1983 Dec;26 (1):101-6. This plasmid is available through Addgene.
Addgene: pUC19 Sequences
Based on next-generation sequencing (NGS) results where indicated (Addgene NGS Result), or assembled from reference sequences and/or Sanger results (Addgene Assembled Sequence). Addgene has sequenced portions of this plasmid for verification. The results are shown below. Leading primers are indicated on the first line of each sequence.
- [PDF]
pUC19 载体是小分子量、高 拷贝的大肠杆菌质粒,长 度均为2,686 bp。 pUC19 质粒含有:(1)pMB1 复制子rep, 主管质粒复制( 来源pBR322 质粒)。 rop 基因缺失和pMB1的复制子rep 的单点突变是pUC 质粒高拷贝的原因;(2)bla 基因:编 码β- 内酰胺酶,对氨苄青霉素有抗性( 来源—pBR322 质粒)。 该基因有两个突变, 与pBR322 的bla 基因不同;(3)大 肠杆菌lac 操纵子区域含有CAP 蛋白结合位点、启 动子Plac、lac抑制子结合位点和lacZ 基因的5’- 端部分( 编码β- 半乳糖苷酶N- 部分( 来 …
pUC18 质粒载体与pUC19 质粒载体 除了 多克隆位点 (Multiple Clone Site)部分反向 互补 外,其它部分完全一样。 pUC18、pUC19载体适合于 DNA 片段的克隆、进行DNA测序、对 外 …
pUC19 Vector- Definition, Structure, Sites, Applications
2023年8月3日 · It is a commonly used cloning vector in the bacteria E. coli. pUC19 is 2686 bp in length. The molecular weight of the pUC19 vector is 1.75×10 6 Da. It is a small plasmid with a …
质粒载体pUC19 DNA - Takara
pUC19载体适用于双脱氧法对DNA片段进行测序,它克隆的DNA片段比使用M13 phage作载体时克隆的片段长。 由于在lacZ领域中含有多克隆位点,因此可以在含有IPTG、X-Gal的平板培养基上通过蓝白筛选判断载体中有无DNA片段的插入。 同时还可以通过载体上的lac promoter表达外源基因,使用M13系列的通用引物对插入载体中的DNA片段进行测序。 使用Kilo-Sequence Deletion Kit (Code No.: 6030) 可以对克隆得到的长片段DNA进行测序。 -20℃。 使用CsCl-EtBr密度梯度超 …