猪德尔塔冠状病毒 - 百度百科
猪德尔塔冠状病毒(Porcine deltacoronavirus,PDCoV),二类传染病,是一种新型猪肠道冠状病毒,可引起5-15日龄哺乳仔猪腹泻和呕吐,迅速脱水,衰竭而亡,发病率和死亡率高达50%-100%,生长猪、成年猪及生产母猪发病轻微,可不治而愈。
猪delta冠状病毒的基因组流行病学、进化和传播动态分析 - 知乎
猪Delta冠状病毒 (PDCoV)是一种新出现的猪肠道病原,分布于世界各地。在这里,我们实施并描述一种分析PDCoV在猪群中出现后的流行病学的方法。
2023年12月5日 · 猪德尔塔冠状病毒病是一种以猪德尔塔冠状病毒(PDCoV)为主的新型肠道传染病,临床表现为水样腹泻和呕吐。 于2012年在中国香港首次报道。 PDCoV基因组长约25.4 kb,结构与其他冠状病毒相似,主要有四个结构蛋白(S, E, M和N)。 千寻生物针对PDCOV N 蛋白开发了单抗,可用于IFA、Wb、ELISA等实验。 另可提供PDCOV灭活病毒、核酸、原核表达N蛋白,,小鼠阳性血清,猪阳性血清。 TGEV引起2周龄以内仔猪出现呕吐、严重腹泻、脱水和高死亡率。 …
Porcine Deltacoronaviruses: Origin, Evolution, Cross-Species ...
Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) is an emerging enteropathogenic coronavirus of swine that causes acute diarrhoea, vomiting, dehydration and mortality in seronegative neonatal piglets. PDCoV was first reported in Hong Kong in 2012 and its etiological features were first characterized in the United States in 2014.
Porcine deltacoronavirus: Overview of infection dynamics, …
2016年12月2日 · Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) was first reported in Hong Kong, China in 2012 and reported in United States swine in February 2014. PDCoV has subsequently been detected in South Korea, mainland China, and Thailand. PDCoV has been experimentally confirmed to cause diarrhea in inoculated pigs and ne …
科研进展 | 华南农大、广东省农科院动卫所在猪德尔塔冠状病毒遗 …
2022年4月30日 · 猪德尔塔冠状病毒(PDCoV),又名猪丁型冠状病毒,是具有包膜的单股正链RNA病毒,与新冠肺炎病毒(SARS-CoV-2)同属于冠状病毒科,是已知RNA病毒中基因组最大的一类病毒。 PDCoV于2012年首次在香港猪群中被发现。 2014年在美国各大猪场暴发该病,并随后流行于世界各地,包括我国(图1)。 之后,多篇动物试验研究证实PDCoV可感染鸡、火鸡、犊牛等,并表现出轻度腹泻症状。 2021年,Nature杂志还发表了PDCoV感染海地儿童的论文。 在 …
Epidemiology, pathogenesis, immune evasion mechanism and …
2024年4月24日 · Porcine Deltacoronavirus (PDCoV), an enterovirus belonging to the family of coronaviruses, has emerged on a global scale in the past decade and significantly influenced the swine industry. Moreover, PDCoV infects not only pigs but also other species, including humans, chickens and cattles, exhibiting a broad host tropism.
Genomic Epidemiology, Evolution, and Transmission Dynamics …
2020年9月1日 · Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) is an emerging enteropathogen of swine with a worldwide distribution. Here, we implemented and described an approach to analyze the epidemiology of PDCoV following its emergence in the pig population.
Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) infection antagonizes interferon …
2020年8月1日 · Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) is a novel swine enteropathogenic coronavirus that causes watery diarrhea, vomiting and mortality in nursing piglets. Type III interferons (IFN-λs) are the major antiviral cytokines in intestinal epithelial cells, the target cells in vivo for PDCoV.
RNA architecture of porcine deltacoronavirus genome inside …
2024年10月14日 · Porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) is a newly emerging and special delta coronavirus, which infect mammals such as pigs, cattle and humans, as well as chickens and birds....