stellaris这款游戏为什么是7+? - 知乎
Very mild forms of violence (implied, non-detailed, or non-realistic violence) are acceptable for a game with a PEGI 7 rating. 可能包含会惊吓年幼儿的场景或声音的游戏内容应归为此类。 对于PEGI 6/7等级的游戏,允许非常轻微的暴力形式(暗示,非详细或非现实性)。 对于群星而言
千万别让孩子看到胸!分级系统的G点与黑幕 _ 游民星空 …
2016年8月7日 · PEGI是Pan European Game Information的缩写。PEGI作为一个整体组织诞生的时间要比ESRB晚了不少,它的前身是许多欧盟国家各自的评级系统。PEGI诞生于欧洲一体化的进程中,其最初的缔造者和眼下的运营者在法理上讲是一家企业,这一点和ESRB有着微妙的不同。
PEGI 7 | Pegi Public Site
Very mild forms of violence (implied, non-detailed, or non-realistic violence) are acceptable for a game with a PEGI 7 rating. Game content with scenes or sounds that can possibly frightening to younger children should fall in this category.
群星stellars是如何被分级为7+级游戏的? - 知乎
2020年6月3日 · pegi 7就离谱,请随便吐槽. 毕竟只是文字,没有图画。 如果没有家长与老师的教育,小孩子多半是不能理解纪念馆为什么是 ...
File : PEGI 7 annotated (2009-2010).svg - Wikimedia
2021年9月22日 · Black and white icons were used until June 2009, with the colour-coded icons: with green for 3 and 7, orange for 12 and 16, and red for 18. Plus signs were removed from the icons, and the background wallpaper now says "PEGI" as opposed to "ISFE".[3]
文件:PEGI 7.svg - 萌娘共享 - moegirl.org.cn
此SVG文件的PNG预览的大小: 426×519像素。 其他分辨率: 197×240像素。 原始文件 (SVG文件,尺寸为426 × 519像素,文件大小:5 KB) 由于上传者未填写授权协议,本作品默认仅以介绍为目的在此百科中以非盈利性方式合理使用。 您知道该文件的作者是如何授权的吗? 如果您知道的话欢迎 登录后编辑该页面 填写授权协议~~ 单击某个日期/时间查看对应时刻的文件。 您不可以覆盖此文件。 没有页面链接到本文件。 世界计划 彩色舞台 feat. 初音未来. 查看本文 …
7 (PEGI) - Rating System Wiki
7 is a classification given by PEGI indicating that a game is recommended for ages 7 and up. Games in this category may contain mild / cartoon violence.
Pegi 7 Icons, Logos, Symbols – Free Download PNG, SVG
Get free Pegi 7 icons in iOS, Material, Windows and other design styles for web, mobile, and graphic design projects. These free images are pixel perfect to fit your design and available in both PNG and vector. Download icons in all formats or edit them for your designs. Also, be sure to check out new icons and popular icons.
Category:PEGI-7 - Codex Gamicus - Humanity's collective gaming ...
This category contains games that have received a 7 rating from PEGI, subsequent to their 2009 overhaul.
Pegi 7 Meme Generator - Imgflip
Insanely fast, mobile-friendly meme generator. Make Pegi 7 memes or upload your own images to make custom memes
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