HoK:: PEI Best Build, Combo & Counter (Pro Guides) - Gamingg Blog
Pei in Honor of Kings is a versatile assassin known for his dual-form abilities, offering strong burst damage and ranged poke. A suitable build focuses on attack damage, cooldown reduction, and mobility, enhancing his early-game aggression and tower-pushing capabilities.
Pei - Honor of Kings Wiki
Pei is a Assassin hero in Honor of Kings. Pei is a boxer with the ability to transform into an agile and deadly tiger. Loyal, brave, and strong, he was once a member of the Great Wall Guardians. When the Feralis attacked, he attempted to rally for help, but to no avail.
Honor of Kings Pei build guide: Items, Arcana & Spells
Pei is a strong Assassin and Fighter in Honor of Kings. Pei possesses a powerful ultimate move that can transform into a tiger that moves quickly and attacks strongly. Pei dealing magic damage after turning into a tiger will deal physical damage. Pei will deal sudden damage, causing the enemy to be suddenly destroyed.
Champion Deatails PEI - Honor of Kings
First Mate - PEI . Sirius Sprayer - PEI
Easy Pei Guide | Honor of Kings - YouTube
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HOK(Pei Qinhu)Top-level gameplay|Jogabilidade superior
2023年9月11日 · #hok #honorofkings #honorofkingsbr #王者荣耀 #moba
Honor Of Kings Hero Pei: Build, Skill, Counter – Esportsku
2024年9月10日 · Honor Of Kings Hero Pei. Pei sendiri adalah salah satu hero yang ada dalam game Honor of Kings dan termasuk kedalam Assassin/Fighter. Biasanya hero tersebut sering digunakan sebagai Jungling, nah kali ini kita akan berikan pembahasan untuk build, skill serta counternya. Build Hero Pei. Spells: Smith
Daftar Hero Counter Pei HOK yang Wajib Diketahui - GGWP.ID
2024年9月4日 · Pei di Honor of Kings (HOK) adalah salah satu hero yang bisa menjadi ancaman besar di medan pertempuran. Dengan kemampuan damage tinggi dan mobilitasnya yang luar biasa, Pei dapat dengan mudah menghabisi musuh yang tidak siap. Oleh karena itu, mengetahui siapa saja hero yang efektif untuk meng-counter Pei …
HOK (Pei) Solo Tips ? Hard Carry-Best Jungle Rotation & Farming
2024年5月11日 · Pei Jungle Solo Rank -+ How to Play Pei Jungle ?1.Rotation + Help Ur Teammates Mid Gold or Exp2.Focus Objectsive (Tyrant or Tower) 3.Subscribe For More ️🙏...
Easy Pei Guide | Honor of Kings 20240627175423 - 哔哩哔哩
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