裴秀作《禹贡地域图》,开创了中国古代 地图 绘制学。 李约瑟称他为“中国科学制图学之父”,与 古希腊 著名 地图 学家 托勒密 齐名,是世界古代地图学史上东西辉映的两颗灿烂明星。 为纪念这位中国地图科学创始人而设立的“ 裴秀奖 ”,每两年评选一次,是中国地图学界最高奖项。 [3] 由于他的贡献突出,联合国天文组织将月球正面的一个环形山命名为“裴秀环形山”, 裴秀出身于魏晋时期的著名士族“ 河东裴氏 ”,他的祖父 裴茂 、父亲 裴潜,分别在东汉 和 曹魏 官至 尚书令。 …
Pei Xiu - Wikipedia
Pei Xiu (224–3 April 271), courtesy name Jiyan, was a Chinese cartographer, geographer, politician, and writer of the state of Cao Wei during the late Three Kingdoms period and Jin dynasty of China. He was very much trusted by Sima Zhao, and participated in the suppression of Zhuge Dan's rebellion.
Pei Xiu - Heaven Officials Blessing Wiki
Pei Xiu (裴宿, Péi Xiù) is a Heavenly Official of the Middle Court and subordinate of Pei Ming.[1] " Void of any killing intent, and full of undisturbed calmness."[1] Pei Xiu is a young, tall man with a fair, handsome appearance and a countenance that is "peaceful like a cold jade".[1]
裴秀智 - 百度百科
裴秀智(배수지、Bae Suzy),1994年10月10日生于韩国全罗南道光州广域市,韩国女演员、歌手、主持人。 2010年7月,以女子团体miss A成员身份出道。 2011年1月,主演校园剧《Dream High》,她也凭借该剧获KBS演技大赏最佳女新人奖;随后,作为固定嘉宾出演KBS偶像体验节目《青春不败2》,并凭借该节目获KBS演艺大赏综艺部门最佳女新人奖。 2012年3月,首次触电大银幕出演爱 ... >>> 裴秀智(배수지、Bae Suzy),1994年10月10日生于韩国全罗南道光州广 …
Pei Xiu (Tang dynasty) - Wikipedia
Pei Xiu (Chinese: 裴休; 791–864 [1]), courtesy name Gongmei (公美), formally the Viscount of Hedong (河東子), was a Chinese politician, literary figure, and Buddhist intellectual during the Tang dynasty, serving as a chancellor during the reign of Emperor Xuānzong.
裴秀 - 中國哲學書電子化計劃 - 中国哲学书电子化计划
Pei Xiu (224–271), courtesy name Jiyan, was a Chinese cartographer, geographer, politician, and writer of the state of Cao Wei during the late Three Kingdoms period and Jin dynasty of China. He was very much trusted by Sima Zhao, and participated in the suppression of …
地理地图之父-裴秀 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
裴秀作 《禹贡地域图》,开创了中国古代地图绘制学。 李约瑟称他为“中国科学制图学之父”,与古希腊著名地图学家托勒密齐名,是世界古代地图学史上东西辉映的两颗灿烂明星。 为纪念这位中国地图科学创始人而设立的“裴秀奖”,每两年评选一次,是中国地图学界最高奖项。 裴秀在地图学上的主要贡献,在于他第一次明确建立了中国古代地图的绘制理论。 他总结中国古代地图绘制的经验,在《禹贡地域图》序中提出了著名的具有划时代意义的制图理论“ 制图六体 ”。 所谓“制图六 …
Pei Xiu - Alchetron, The Free Social Encyclopedia
Pei Xiu (224–271), courtesy name Jiyan, was a minister, geographer, and cartographer of the state of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period of Chinese history, as well as the subsequent Jin Dynasty. Pei Xiu was very much trusted by Sima Zhao, and participated in the suppression of Zhuge Dan's coup.
Cartographer - Pei Xiu Pei Xiu - laitimes
2021年11月6日 · Pei Xiu (224 – April 3, 271), courtesy name Jiyan. A native of Wenxi County, Hedong County (present-day Wenxi County, Shanxi Province). During the Wei and Jin dynasties, he was a famous courtier and cartographer, the grandson of Pei Mao of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the son of Pei Qian, the grand master of Cao Wei Guanglu.
Pei Xiu - Koei Wiki
Pei Xiu (onyomi: Hai Shū ) is an official who served both Wei and Jin. Sima Zhao held him in high esteem and trusted his judgement. While Pei Xiu participated in a few campaigns like the suppression of Zhuge Dan's Rebellion, his true focus lied in management and cartography.