"Penner" as an insult? - German Language Stack Exchange
2016年1月16日 · Hence, Penner could translate to sleeper - probably to describe someone sleeping (visibly, in public). This is where you get the connection to the negative attributes mentioned in DenkerAffe's answer : Sleeping is arguably the laziest kind of activity homeless people could possibly be doing, which is where the association with being too lazy to ...
"Penner" as an original etymology - German Language Stack …
2023年9月26日 · Relating Penner to the mentioned pno- or pnein is somewhat far fetched, because those are closer associated to "air" and "air pressure" like in "pneu", "pneumatic" (and therefore leading to "sneezing"). A "pneu" is also a word for a (bicycle) tire, because it is filled with air under a certain pressure.
weiterpennen - keep sleeping? - German Language Stack Exchange
2024年12月27日 · The meaning of "weiterpennen" in DWDS is "keep sleeping". Not sure what this means in this context. Let use first clear "pennen": this is a word used in the northern and middle regions of the German-speaking area and means "to sleep".
In welchem Teil Deutschlands sagt man "ratzen"?
2016年4月6日 · Penner ‚Obdachloser‘, Penne ‚Schule‘ und Pennäler ‚Schüler‘ dürften hingegen mit pennen verwandt sein, welches ich am häufigsten in verpennen höre. Der online frei verfügbare Atlas zur deutschen Alltagssprache listet leider zu …
Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm - German Language Stack …
2018年6月25日 · Wie kann ich das Sprichwort "Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm" so ummünzen, abändern oder erweitern, dass der frühe Vogel der Depp ist, bzw. dass der Wurm der lange schläft als der Klügere oder der Weisere dasteht? Ich habe es gestrichen satt mir als gläubigen Langschläfer, Penner und Faulpelz diesen bescheuerten Spruch anhören zu müssen.
Various colloquial meanings of "Der Hammer" - German Language …
2014年5月9日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
etymology - What is the origin and meaning of the expression "Da …
2023年6月9日 · Eventuel hilft mitteldeutsch pan, ban, espan weiter (q.v. mhdbw-online.de) Ebenso unsicher wäre Anschluss an Penne in Gaunersprache "Nachtunterkunft" (cp. Penner), Studentensprache "Schule" Für Hunde gibt es streng genommen aber nur den Platz im Gehege, eher als in freier Wild-Bahn. Daher liegt der Anschluss an die allgemeinere Bedeutung nah.
Etymology of "Pech" - German Language Stack Exchange
2011年8月15日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Do people actually use the word "kaputt" in conversation?
2019年3月18日 · @orithena Interesting, now that you say that I also think one could casually say "das ist so'n total kaputter Penner" or similar to describe somebody in (not just temporarily) bad shape. – Peter - Reinstate Monica
english to german - Suitable translation of "you guys" or "you lot ...
2012年1月9日 · I wouldn't necessarily single out "Schweine" here, since that could be substituted by "Penner", "Säcke" or any other otherwise offensive term that people may refer to each other within circles of close friends. –