Weight of Pentax 6X7 Body with Meter Prism? - Photo.net
2010年3月10日 · <p>This won't answer your question sufficiently, but I had the Pentax 6x7, sold it, and now have the Mamiya 7II, and the weight difference was a primary consideration. The difference is considerable, especially when carrying it (with lenses) any distance in the field.
Pentax 6x7 Marine Housing - Medium Format - Photo.net
1998年12月19日 · into medium format photography with the Pentax 6x7. I bought an . original Asahi Pentax Marine housing and then bought a 67 and 55/3.5 . lens and 135/4 macro lens, both old style. The lens port on the . housing takes 55-105 lenses. I am looking for the Macro port and the . FishEye port and any other accessories or manuals for the housing.
Pentax 6x7 Lens Reviews ! - Medium Format - Photo.net
2002年11月3日 · system from Leicas M/R to 8x10 large format. I started with Pentax 6x7 some 15 years ago, some long time ago sold it, then just recently (2008) used once, and the results was so incredible, I have bought 3 6x7 bodies, 45mm, 75 shift, 135mm macro (its anyway better for portraits than 100), 105, 165, 200mm. I'm a very spoiled photographer, hooked on
Pentax 645Nii vs. Pentax 6x7 - Medium Format - Photo.net
2006年10月14日 · Pentax advise a tripod of 1.5x camera and lens weight even with mirror lock up, my experience was I needed a tripod of at least 2x camera and lens weight to tame vibration with the 67. I mainly use Hasselblads, and mirror slap isn't much better with a …
Changing focusing screen on a Pentax 6x7 - Photo.net
2009年8月11日 · I got a Pentax 67 with a beattie intenscreen in it and the spare original one. The fresnel on the beattie makes.some.weitd effect and is pretty messed up, so I changed it back to the oroginal. The matte screen and fresnel are two seperate parts.
Pentax 67 lens recommendations - Medium Format - Photo.net
2016年5月23日 · <p>After years of shooting Canon FD and EOS, I've decided to get into medium film format photography, and have recently acquired a gorgeous Pentax 6x7 (with MLU and a metered prism). The body came (somewhat redundantly) with a 90/2.8 and a 105/2.4, which I understand are the normal primes for the 67 system.
Pentax 6x7 - What Did I Do Wrong?! - Medium Format - Photo.net
2009年2月12日 · <p>I received a Pentax 6x7 from KEH and a metered prism.<br> Following the advice of this forum, I coupled the meter with no lens attached.<br> And then I attached a lens.<br> Then I put in a fresh battery.<br> No response from the meter.<br> I took off the lens and re-mounted the lens.<br> No response from the meter.<br> I took off the lens.<br>
Pentax 6x7 vs. Mamiya RB67 - Medium Format - Photo.net
2004年2月16日 · A Pentax 67 may be smaller than the Mamiya RB but almost as heavy. It takes courage to travel with either outfit and a study tripod is not a luxury here. I was tempted to rent a Pentax 67II once and tried it in the store: really too heavy to hand-held. If you want 6x7, i would go with the Maniya 7 rangefinder.
Exact aspect ratio of 6x7 negative? - Medium Format - Photo.net
2005年11月11日 · The exact aspect ratio of a 6x7 cm negative is 6:7. So, without any cropping, you could make 6x7, 12x14 or 18x21 inch enlargements. As a practical matter, most people crop a little here or there and make 4x5, 8x10, 11x14 or 16x20 inch prints from 6x7 cm images.
Pentax 6x7 55-100mm or 55mm + 105mm lenses? - Photo.net
2005年7月26日 · I am looking to buy lenses for my my Pentax 6x7 camera. I am . thinking of either buying the zoom 55-100mm lens (too heavy but . convenience) or just buy the 2 lenses 55mm f4.0 and 105mm f2.4 lens. Anyone out there using these lenses? Please let me know your opinion . as I need to buy the lens ASAP for my vacation shooting. Thank in advance . Vince