Pentax K-7 - Pentax K-mount DSLRs - Pentax Camera Reviews …
2023年8月26日 · The Pentax K-7 was released in 2009 as the successor to the K20D. It features a sturdy yet compact weather-sealed body, 14.6 megapixel CMOS sensor, 5.2 frame-per-second shutter, and a 3-inch LCD screen with a resolution of 921,000 dots, movie mode with input for an optional external microphone.
Pentax K-7 Review: Digital Photography Review
2009年10月2日 · So here we have the K-7, Pentax's latest enthusiast/semi-pro level DSLR. And a handsome creature it is, too - gone is the K20D's slightly pudgy utilitarianism, to be replaced by a sleek, pared-down elegance.
Pentax K-7 - Wikipedia
The Pentax K-7 is a 14.6-megapixel digital single-lens reflex camera, announced on 20 May 2009. [1] This is the first new flagship model released by Pentax since its merger with Hoya Corporation on 31 March 2008.
Pentax K-7 14.6 MP Digital SLR with Shake Reduction and 720p …
The Pentax K-7 features a rugged, yet compact new body design, a new 14.6 megapixel CMOS sensor rebuilt from the ground up, and advanced features such as HD Movie Capture and new, unique-to-Pentax camera controls.
Pentax K-7 review - Amateur Photographer
2009年8月15日 · As Pentax’s first real high-end enthusiast DSLR, the 14.6-million-effective-pixel K-7 faces tough competition from the likes of the Canon EOS 50D and the new Nikon D300s.
Pentax K-7 Review - Digital Cameras, Digital Camera Reviews
The Pentax K-7 incorporates all of what was great about their long-underrated line of digital SLRs with a slew of upgrades and enhancements that should make camera buyers stand up and...
最輕便的高性能單眼! Pentax K-7 實測報告 - m.eprice.com.tw
2009年6月17日 · Pentax K-7 的規格比中階機種 K20D 還要高。 1460 萬像素的 APS CMOS 感光元件、77 分區測光機制、100% 的觀景窗、1/8000s 的高速快門、高光動態範圍、720p 高畫質錄影、支援臉部對焦的 LiveView 功能,都可以在 K-7 上找到,不過其機身體積比 K20D 還要小上 7%,外形而論已跟 Canon 500D、Nikon D5000 等入門機相仿,而 K-7 也是中高階機種中最小巧玲瓏的一部。 裝上垂直握把的 Pentax K-7。 機身上方除功能轉盤外,還有完整的狀態顯示窗 …
Pentax K-7 Review - Photography Blog
2009年6月24日 · The Pentax K-7 is the best-ever Pentax DSLR camera and a real challenger to the relative giants of Canon and Nikon. Pentax have seemingly decided to include every "must-have" feature in one camera, with the K-7's specifications reading like a …
Pentax K-7 DSLR Review
2009年6月24日 · The Pentax K-7 has been speculated about for a number of weeks thanks to leaked information and spy style blurry photographs on rumour sites. Pentax K-7 Features. Resolution: 14.6Mp; Sensor size: 23.4x15.6mm; Sensor type: CMOS; Image size: 4672x3104; Focus system: TTL phase detection; Focus points: 11; …
Used Pentax K-7 - MPB
Thanks to its high performance, the PENTAX K-7 is the ideal SLR to meet all the expectations of expert photographers. This SLR incorporates all the technologies developed by PENTAX such as 14.6 megapixel CMOS sensor, Shake reduction system, 5.2 frames per second continuous shooting and a 100% Pentaprism viewfinder.