6F6 tubes - The Gear Page
2018年1月16日 · I've loved Ken-Rad 6F6G and Mazda 6F6GT in that amp. Arcturus first published specs for the 6F6G (1935) and 6F6GT (1940) types. Don't hear much about Arcturus these days. The heater draws 700 mA. Grid max is listed at 285V (pentode) and plate max is 375V, and I've heard of them run in a push-pull pair at 35mA @ 350V, -38V on the grid. - T
Pentode to Triode switch? - The Gear Page
2011年1月10日 · Here's one for the amp builders: I have a 60 watt amp that can be cut to 30 by means of a pentode/triode switch. i like the triode feel/sound better. i also have a 100 watt amp that is switchable to 50w via a switch that cuts 2 of the power tubes. Is there any way i …
Please help with instlling a pentode/triode switch?
2007年7月30日 · The Gear. Amps/Cabs Tech Corner: Amplifier, Cab & Speakers
Focusrite ISA the best preamp for the - The Gear Page
2021年7月22日 · Focusrite ISA is indeed the best bang for buck mic amp. My humble ISA Two hangs right in there, holding it's own with my Drip Electronics REDD 7's, Raindirk Series Two channels (from the actual Olympic Studios console), Midas (U.K.) XL-4, and Trident S20.
Pentode/Triode switch question - The Gear Page
2015年10月23日 · So I've read a lot on the whole Pentode/triode switch thing and I've even incorporated one into my latest amp build, but I have a lingering question. Is it an issue that there's such high DC voltage running through this switch? Most switches I see are rated for 125 or 250VAC at 5A or 10A or...
Carr Rambler vs the field - The Gear Page
2016年3月5日 · The Rambler for me comes alive when cranked hard short of getting hair out of the power tubes (pentode mode of course). I would call the Rambler the "smoothest" and best behaved for very fat tones. All of these have sufficient headroom that I suspect the next meaningful increment would need to be a 100-watt head like the TR or Sebago (or more ...
Strat String Spacing - The Gear Page
2007年5月8日 · Pentode Member. Messages 355. May 8, 2007 #1 What is the difference between "narrow" and "vintage" string ...
Switching between 6L6's and EL34's in the same amp?
2017年5月28日 · The tube socket has to be wired for EL34s (a pentode) as pin 1 is the screen grid in that tube, but not used in a 6L6 (a beam tetrode). However it's used as a tie point in most Fenders. Also, for EL34s, you need 1k/5W screen grid dropping resistors (not the usual 470R in Fender amps) and the control grid resistors should be 100k (not 220k).
Line 6 DT25 - as good as everyone says it is? | The Gear Page
2013年8月20日 · Let me clarify this... you use midi to select two amps from all the options available. Then you can use the front panel switch, or the optional footswitch to switch from "A" to "B"... you don't need midi to switch from A to B in normal use. I also like that you can switch from class A/B to class A and pentode to triode, right on the amp.
Bought two 6V6 Metal Jacket RCAs, sound great - The Gear Page
2017年10月5日 · I'm kicking around an amp project I call "Grampa". I'm going to load it with archaic circuit design from one end to the other. Sharp cutoff pentode on the front end, dual triode next although I may go glass for that one, half used as a paraphrase, maybe a couple 807s 'cuz they have anode caps.
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